Translated LOLCODE
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Translated LOLCODE is designed by PSTF. It is LOLCODE but formalized and horribly translated.
1. Take this program related to stack:
HAI 1.3 O HAI IM pile I HAS A length ITZ 0 I HAS A max ITZ -1 HOW IZ I pushin YR item DIFFRINT ME'Z max AN BIGGR OF ME'Z max AN ME'Z length, O RLY? YA RLY, ME HAS A SRS ME'Z length ITZ item, ME'Z max R SUM OF ME'Z max AN 1 NO WAI, ME'Z SRS ME'Z length R item OIC ME'Z length R SUM OF ME'Z length AN 1 IF U SAY SO HOW IZ I popin DIFFRINT ME'Z length AN 0, O RLY? YA RLY ME'Z length R DIFF OF ME'Z length AN 1 I HAS A item ITZ ME'Z SRS ME'Z length ME'Z SRS ME'Z length R NOOB FOUND YR item OIC IF U SAY SO HOW IZ I gettinLen FOUND YR ME'Z length IF U SAY SO KTHX I HAS A stack ITZ LIEK A pile stack IZ pushin YR "testvalue" MKAY stack IZ pushin YR "value2" MKAY VISIBLE stack IZ popin MKAY stack IZ pushin YR "lolcat" MKAY stack IZ pushin YR "longcat" MKAY VISIBLE stack IZ popin MKAY VISIBLE stack IZ popin MKAY VISIBLE stack IZ popin MKAY KTHXBYE
2. 适量加入醋、生抽、老抽、盐、糖、味精等各种调味料以及100毫升浓硫酸
PrySigneToFry: LOL-ized English -> Program-expert English Baidu: English -> Ethiopian/Amharic -> Bulgarian -> Cantonese -> Hungarian -> Simplified Chinese -> Punjabi -> Low German(treat as German) -> Azeribaijani -> English
3. This is the result.
Connecting... All tracks Long 0. It's poison and Sl. That's still root. How do we do that? The day of death is good. If not, give me more dust, please. When he said: Declare! Closed. Length 1. Select all files and:%s:%s Jianbo: I'm approaching, that's not 0. Burma. Kgm Size length Select all files and:%s:%s Come on in. When he said: Declare! Closed. Select all files and:%s:%s This is after the Gotland War. The length of the bet will be clean. Select all files and:%s:%s _Close Select all files and:%s:%s Could not close temporary folder: %s After a while, Nettbreef. 2 "Test Value" Current button Ethiopian Air Player for the First Level Golkeeping After my second step, set up Etyosch Gasp Glider Reekner. Current button Current button Current button And don't orbit