Translated Human Words

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Step 1: Take Fibonacci number generator program:

Start program with version 2,1,5.
Define a class named pile.
	Define a new object length, set its type to BigNumber and initalize it to 0.
	Define a new object max, set its type to BigNumber and initalize it to -1.
	Define a new object top, set its type to BigNumber and initalize it to the value of length.
	Define a new object cur_stack, set its type to BigNumber List[Unlimited] and initalize it to {Nothing}.
	Define a void static called Push with the arguments [element]. 
		If >= my.length then: 
			Output "Overflow!".
			Increases the top.
			Set cur_stack[top] to element.
	Define a AnyType static called Pop with the arguments [temp].
		If <= 0 then:
			Output "Underflow!".
			Set temp to cur.stack[top].
			Set cur.stack[top] to Nothing.
			Decreases the top.
			Returns temp.
	Define a BigNumber static called GetLength with no arguments.
		Returns my.length.

Define a variable stack and set its type to pile.

Do (stack.push(8)).
Do (stack.push(5)).
Do (stack.push(3)).
Do (stack.push(2)).
Do (stack.push(1)).
Do (stack.push(1)).
Output "The first 6 numbers in fibonacci sequence is: "
Repeat 6 times:
	Output the value of (stack.pop).
	Output " ".

Kill program.

Language chain:

Yandex Translate: English -> Chinese -> Russian -> Emoji -> Russian -> English
Yandex Translate: English -> Korean -> Russian -> Emoji -> Russian -> English
Yandex Translate: English -> Japanese -> Russian -> Emoji -> Russian -> English

Step 2:

The US Space Program version 2.1.5.
We discussed the participation of Anatoly Efros.
	Determine the amount of new content, enter it as a string, and the default value is now 0.
	To see the new light level, set the output type and initialize it to -1.
	We introduce a new, higher level, set its base type and output it using edge.
	We introduce a new set of custom objects, a {list[infinity] type process, and initialize it with the value {destroy}.
	A study using [symbol] showed that the name of an array element is written automatically. 
		This is mine.>= My.Length, then:
Part of the upper part.
			The maximum value of the top element.
		It's over.
	The end of the world.
	Using the density function to analyze all types of Boolean values that specify the names of snacks.
		My.Top <=0 or:
"An error has occurred! a - e is just a.
			Set the temperature to 1. A lot [at the bottom].
			Towards the cursor.Yes, please try it.
			The top cover.
			The heater is working.
		It's over.
	The end of the world
	The name itself consists of unsigned numbers, symbols, images, and a volume of information.
		Give me back the orchids the size of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Check the batch number and make sure you are delighted with our selection.

(We got rid of this burden.Lines (8)).
(Add lines (5)).
(Add it up.Line (3)).
(Please.Line (2)).
(Please.Line (1)).
(Please.Line (1)).
"The result of performing the first 6 numbers from the Fibonacci sequence is as follows:"
Repeat the exercise 6 times:
	The function (makes a lot of sense.Daddy???
Asterisk "".
The full cycle.

We remove them from the board 1 time.