Translated 脑子爆掉/PSTF Again5

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Warning: Your system is corrupted. It can't be trust壕fE鍚歵�fD?H铮佃徎鍏?H鍐?u閫憠H宀�E缃らfD?�鍘?z �鈧敯鐑儷鐑槇濉?�L濉? SUVWH鍐?3闉ㄥ帛铮礖=?铮?H瀣瑰瓎绛?�鈧?G槎囷5x4H宄戯5H瀣慔瀣楲宄€$h瀛嗙挏1� 鍚歺�H妤?鑴€�u�f?^?f?^绺?�鈧?H鍛塼�f?瀣奌鍏?_^][閿扮儷鐑儷鐑槇濉?�L濉? SVWH鍐?L瀣昄宄€$XL+琚跺I婕綡瀣濱宀5H=?铮?w!I宄硷5H瀣?1� 3钃炵簵 H妤?鑾?u�f?{?3钂戝憠t�f?H;楂?H鍏э5H铮电簠9�Cu楸?CH瀣匟鍏?_^[閿扮儷鐑儷H濉? UVWAVAWH渚匬� H?鍟? H3鑵嶅$@� E3铮礗瀣滺瀛僉瀣笻鍛??� H鍚?? � H?�? fD?H鍚歵"D8=�? t�L瀣凥瀣擧瀣庯5�=C� fE9>�鍛? ?H?NF� 鍚穞*鍐?t�鍐?t�鍑?u"H?`F� ?H?KF� ?H?6F� ?H?�F� D濠?H宀?@L澧?0A? � 鑽?( � 3澶?� H濉? fD澧?@H铮? @� ��D I?~H濯扳偓 H瀣淟濠痻I瀣慙9{0t#H濉?0L?楝? 濠?L濉?(L濠?濉? 閼?铮?L?铷? H濉? 閻?铮礚濯? H瀣璏鍚穞�L?榀? H瀣淗瀣??铮礖瀣璈铮??� ��D H宄€$@L瀣慔濉?8L?閻? 濠?H瀣滃$0H瀣愬$(濠?濉? 鏌?铮礚9{�u�L9{@u

1. Take that 勾石.


2. Add 2983751975382613592759275390621359 bag of unidentified white crystals, then add 120658760872561208756307216530872165872658027308 kilogram of superfluid helium, and put in the entire periodic table. Immediately stirring 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 times with chopsticks, adding a bowl of uranium and polonium, then making a nuclear bomb and detonating in the mixture. Continue stirring until fire. The mixture is tossed into R136A1 and incinerated until humans have migrated to a new planet or Mars has been remodelled like Earth, and then cooled. Finally, throw it in the trash and bake it at a temperature of 5×10^1145141919810 degrees Celsius for half a Planck time unit of time. Vaporize the contents of the mixing bowl. Then add a bottle of plutonium, then two cans of heavy water, and a funnel is fed into a gas collection cylinder, which causes the chemistry teacher to make a high-pitched popping sound. A sliding rheostat is plugged in, then a hydrogen bomb is added, and then immediately stirred until it catches fire. Next, add a lot of sawdust and tungsten and separate the mixing bowl from the outside with a lead plate, as this will cause you irreversible damage. Immediately afterwards we add a glass of water (undrinkable water like a destroyed black hole, to be exact), pour uranium, cesium, lithium and polonium, stir it 127481694 times with a chopstick, and toss it into a bookcase to bake on Planck heat for 8 century. And catalyze the reaction with a symphony orchestra next to it for 538 hours, and add promethium and actinium, and immediately add a pinch of iridium (preferably one with an atomic weight of 192). Toss the mixture into a mixing bowl and bake it in the oven at a temperature of 5×10^1919810114514 degrees Celsius for 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 seeconds. Serves 114514~1919810. The full recipe is not shown here. And, personally, I think that pasta should be mixed with No. 42 concrete, because the length of the screws can easily directly affect the torque of the excavator; When it is smashed in, it will produce a large amount of high-energy proteins, commonly known as UFOs, in an instant, which will seriously affect the development of the economy and cause certain nuclear pollution to the Pacific Ocean and chargers. Furthermore, according to the Pythagorean theorem, you can easily deduce that captive-bred Tojo Inn chickens can capture wild trigonometric functions, so whether Qin Shi Huang's section is radioactive or not, and whether Trump's nth power contains sediment, does not affect the convergence of Wal-Mart and Wellcome in Antarctica.

PrySigneToFry: Simplified Chinese -> Hastroukian(My constructed Language that uses Arabic typesetting)
Baidu: Treat as Arabian -> Simplified Chinese

3. Poof
