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Titled is mostly a copy of brainfuck, however there are 2 more commands (technically making it Brainfuck+2) and one quirk.

Also there's the ' command which disables wrapping but numbers still have to be positive.

Code execution

In Titled, programs are written inside of the file's name. There are no external files; just rename the interpreter. The name (excluding the file extension) is the code to be run.

For input operations: no input = 0


+ Increments the current cell by one
- Decrements the current cell by one
) Selects the cell one to the right (used parenthesis because you can't have angle brackets in the file name)
( Selects the cell one to the left
, Takes a single character input from user and stores its Unicode value in the current cell
; Does the same but with a number; sets the cell value to the number
. Outputs the current cell as a Unicode character
' Outputs the current cell as a number. (Having 65 in a cell would output 65, not A)
$ Toggles cell overflow

Example programs

Note: All programs listed here use the Python implementation.

Most programs will be the same as brainfuck, but with the angle brackets replaced with parenthesis. For all the examples, add the interpreter's file extension after it.

Hello, World!


A+B Problem




code = __file__.split("\\")[-1]
code = code[:-3]
loopStack = []
overflow = True

index = 0

memory = [0] * 30000
memoryPointer = round(len(memory) / 2) # somewhere in the middle idc
memoryPointer = 0

while index < len(code):
    cmd = code[index]
    match cmd:
        case "(":
            memoryPointer -= 1
        case ")":
            memoryPointer += 1
        case "+":
            memory[memoryPointer] += 1
            if memory[memoryPointer] > 255 and overflow:
                memory[memoryPointer] = 0
        case "-":
            memory[memoryPointer] -= 1
            if memory[memoryPointer] < 0 and overflow:
                memory[memoryPointer] = 255
        case ",": # input as char
            temp = input("input one character:\n> ").rstrip()[0]
            memory[memoryPointer] = temp
        case ";": # input as num
                temp = int(input("input a number:\n> ").strip())
                temp = 0
            memory[memoryPointer] = temp
        case ".": # output as char
            print(chr(memory[memoryPointer]), end="")
        case "'": # output as num
            print(memory[memoryPointer], end="")
        case "[":
            if memory[memoryPointer] == 0:
                # skip loop
                loopAmount = 1
                while loopAmount > 0:
                    index += 1
                    if code[index] == '[':
                        loopAmount += 1
                    elif code[index] == ']':
                        loopAmount -= 1
                # enter loop
        case "]":
            if memory[memoryPointer] != 0:
                # go back to to the '['
                index = loopStack[-1]
                # exit
        case "$":
            overflow = not overflow
    index += 1