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I, the creator of Sakana, created this page in the hopes that someone will attempt to write an interpreter since no implementation currently exists, especially since its computational class is unknown. I hope that the explanation and example programs are enough.

If you have questions about the details of Sakana, I will respond.

In the meantime, I will post some Python snippets.

Python snippets

if prgm[inst] == "増":
    accumulator += 1
if prgm[inst] == "減":
    accumulator -= 1
if prgm[inst] == "空":
    accumulator = 0
if prgm[inst] == "問":
    if accumulator == 0:
        inst += 1
if prgm[inst] == "乗":
    accumulator **= 2
if prgm[inst] == "出":
    print(accumulator, end=" ")
if prgm[inst] == "書":
    print(chr(accumulator), end="")
if prgm[inst] == "停":
if prgm[inst] == "#":
    inst += 1
    while text[inst] != "#":
        inst += 1

inst += 1 at the end of each loop of the main execution