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Bitwise Operators

Something that confuses me... Under the section math, you've got the bitwise operators who operate on values. In the overview section you've stated that "Number variables are always stored as floats." To my knowledge, bit operations on floats tend to be messy, since in memory they aren't stored like an integer, but with a sign, mantissa and exponent instead... Either your sentencing is confusing me, because you normally don't do bit operations on floats (looking at you, fast inverse square root) or you meant something different, like "it only works on boolean operators" or "the values get converted to int and then the operations are done" or something completely else. Correct me if I'm wrong. Rphii (talk) 13:30, 27 January 2022 (UTC)

i've clarified this now, thanks for telling me --Heptor (talk) 18:18, 7 February 2022 (UTC)