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Discussion page for Exotic

Proof of the turing completeness for Exotic?

In the page it is stated that Exotic is turning complete, but there is no proof. That it was I am looking for. I speculate that it might have to do with semi-thue systems. --User:Joe

Exotic can simulate SKI calculus. Combinator K can be represented as (. .), combinator S as (. K) and combinator I as ((S K) K). Application is pair. Source code contains three rules: (((. .) a) b) *a, ((((. (. .)) a) b) c) *((a c) (b c)) and (a b) (*a *b). Haven't tested this, but something along these lines should work. --Hakerh400 (talk) 16:40, 4 July 2024 (UTC)