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"TCC" stands for "Table Changing Code". It was inspired by SQL and was invented by User:A.


It has a simple syntax. All of its commands are not case-sensitive.


This command is used for creating a table.


CREATE table_name


This command is used for choosing columns of a table and print it.


IN table_name CHOOSE column_number

TCC will print the column.


This command is used for inserting data into a table.


INSERT table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...)


Delete a row.


DELETE table_name WHERE row_number


An Extended Backus-Naur Form (ENBF) description shall elucidate the program structure:

program       := optSpaces
              ,  [ command , { spaces , command } ]
              ,  optSpaces

command       := create | in | insert | delete ;
create        := "CREATE" , spaces , tableName ;
in            := "IN"     , spaces , tableName , spaces
              ,  "CHOOSE" , spaces , index ;
insert        := "INSERT" , spaces , tableName , spaces
              ,  "VALUES" , spaces , cellValueList
delete        := "DELETE" , spaces , tableName , spaces
              ,  "WHERE"  , spaces , index

tableName     := letter , { letter | digit | "_" } ;
index         := digit , { digit } ;
cellValueList := "(" , optSpaces
              ,   [ cellValue , cellValueRest ]
              ,   optSpaces , ")"
cellValueRest := { optSpaces , "," , optSpaces , cellValue } ;
cellValue     := integer | string ;
string        := quote , { character - quote } , quote ;
quote         := '"' ;
integer       := [ "+" | "-" ] , digit , { digit } ;
digit         := "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4"
              |  "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
optSpaces     := { space } ;
spaces        := space , { space } ;
space         := " " | "\t " ;


Hello, World!

This program prints the message “Hello, World!” employing a single column:

CREATE hello_world
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("H")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("e")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("l")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("l")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("o")
INSERT hello_world VALUES (",")
INSERT hello_world VALUES (" ")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("W")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("o")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("r")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("l")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("d")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("!")
IN     hello_world CHOOSE 1

This second variant utilizes two columns — one embracing the moeity “Hello, ”, the other the part “World!” — in its pursuit to display “Hello, World!”:

CREATE hello_world
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("H", "W")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("e", "o")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("l", "r")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("l", "l")
INSERT hello_world VALUES ("o", "d")
INSERT hello_world VALUES (",", "!")
INSERT hello_world VALUES (" ")
IN     hello_world CHOOSE 1
IN     hello_world CHOOSE 2


  • Common Lisp implementation of the TCC programming language.