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TAbrain is a brainfuck derivative made by User:Tommyaweosme


+ increment
- decrement
> move right
< move left
[ go to ] if 0
] go to [ if not 0
{n{ go to } if current cell is n not
} close {n{
( infinite loop
) close infinite loop
| acts as an else for the {n{} loop
, input
. output
/ output as number
; clear cell
$ terminate program (can be skipped over with loops)
* multiply cell by next cell
" put next character in program in current cell (even if its a prexisting command, even if its a quotation mark itself)
# integerize current value
@ asciize current value
(any other character else) put in current cell


If/else is really simple. If current cell is n, then do c, else do d: {n{c|d}

Numbers inline

If you want to set current cell to 124, you would do this:


Instead of this:


Because if you did that, or @124, it gets saved as ASCII values overriding eachother until 4.

Hello world




Truth machine

Design 1


Design 2


A+B problem





  • Although this program has a terminate command, this still makes it turing-complete due to 1. just don't use it, and 2. there are ways to skip it with loops.