Suscript 2.0

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Suscript 2.0 is another esolang by the amogus esolang crew. It is based on a 1D array of floating-point number cells, all initalized with 0.


[n] is an optional number literal. {n} is a mandatory number literal. They can be written in decimal (12.34), hexadecimal (ඬ5B3) or Unicode (ඞg). ච pops the stack and returns it.

eject "string" Print a string.

Escape codes:
ඬ - Newline
ඩ - Tab
ඞ - Numeric value of current cell
ඪ - Numeric value of current cell (hexadecimal)
ච - Character value of current cell

imposter sus [n] tape[ptr] = n (default 0)
imposter more sus [n] tape[ptr] += n (default 1)
imposter less sus [n] tape[ptr] -= n (default 1)
imposter very sus [n] tape[ptr] *= n (default 10)
imposter barely sus [n] tape[ptr] /= n (default 10)
imposter extremely sus [n] tape[ptr] **= n (exponentation) (default 2)
imposter hardly even sus [n] tape[ptr] %= n (remainder) (default 10)
imposter safe tape[ptr] = !tape[ptr] (logical not, 1 if <=0 and 0 if >0)
amogus goes to the next sus town [n] ptr += n (default 1)
amogus goes to the previous sus town [n] ptr -= n (default 1)
when the impostor is sus 😳 if tape[ptr] > 0 then
when the imposter is safe if tape[ptr] <= 0 then
how sus is imposter? accept numerical input to current cell
why is imposter sus? accept numerical input to current cell (hexadecimal again)
where is imposter? accept character input to current cell
say <label> goto <label>
become the <label> define <label>
imposter go into of the vents push current cell value to stack
imposter come out of the vents pop from stack to current cell
amogus print "amogus" (I'm sorry).
GETOUTOFMYHEAD depends on how many times it is repeated:

1: sine current cell
2: cosine current cell
3: tangent current cell
4: arcsin current cell
5: arccos current cell
6: arctan current cell
7: log10 current cell

dead body reported while tape[ptr] > 0 do
emergency meeting while tape[ptr] != top of stack do
red was the imposter end while
when the imposter is t h i c c tape[ptr] = length of stack
imposter pulls out a knife and kills you end program


Hello, World!

eject "Hello, World!"

Infinitely print Fibonacci sequence

imposter more sus
dead body reported
eject "ඞඬ"
 dead body reported
  imposter less sus
  amogus goes to the next sus town
  imposter more sus
  amogus goes to the next sus town
  imposter more sus
  amogus goes to the previous sus town 2
 red was the imposter
amogus goes to the next sus town
red was the imposter