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Suscript is a cell-based esolang by people in the amogus esolang crew, this page is a WIP.


eject "string" Print a string
when the impostor is sus 😳 If tape[ptr] Then
among drip End-If
imposter sus tape[ptr] = 1
imposter safe tape[ptr] = 0
amogus goes to the next sus town ptr++
amogus goes to the previous sus town ptr--
say <label> Goto <label>
become the <label> Define Label <label>
is impostor sus? Input, if "sus" then tape[ptr]=1 elseif "not sus" then tape[ptr]=0


Truth machine

is imposter sus?

when the imposter is sus 😳:
  become the loopus
    eject "1"
  say loopus
among drip
eject "0"

Cat program

become the loopus
 is imposter sus?
 when the imposter is sus 😳:
  eject "Sus"
  say loopus
 among drip
  eject "Safe"
  say loopus

Hello World

eject "Hello, world!"

Computational class

Suscript is turing-complete since any program in it can relatively easily be converted to brainfuck but with bits.

Implementations Compiler in qb64 by User:Not_applicable