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Stck is a single thread, Stack based* language, in which the code itself is in the stack.

Well… not really, but it’s what had to be done to make this Turing complete.


Stck features 2 Stacks: A Program stack and a Loop Stack.

The Program Stack is the main stack. This is the stack you can change. The Loop/Temporary Stack is for loops (loop, while), which constandly refreshes.

Stacks are defined with newlines:


Yes. That means that every program is structured weirdly. Spaces are ignored unless it’s a String.

Indexes are kept for the sake of readability, which could technically make this a pointer based as well. However, the program will always run the closest index to 0


Every Command Pops itself and every affiliated entry.

If a command i.e. set or global don’t make sense, think of either the trick of pulling a rag out which out moving the dishes on it or the the compiler shuffling around everything very quickly into the temp stack and back, and if it’s in the temp stack: Too bad, don’t think about it too much.

To simplify things I will be referring the next entry as the 2nd entry, the next next entry as the 3rd entry, etc.. These are relative to each other, the indexing starts at 1(st), which is the command itself.

print Prints the 2nd entry print \n °Hello World
add Adds the 2nd and 3rd entries; if its a number, returns 2nd+3rd. if one of the entries is a string, concatinates them. Saves it into the 4th location like input add \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
sub subtracts the 3rd entry from the 2nd and saves it into the 4th location like input sub \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
mul Multiplies the 2nd and 3rd entries together and saves it into the 4th location like input mul \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
div Divides the 2nd entry by the 3rd and saves it into the 4th location like input div \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
mod Modulo. Saves it into the 4th location like input mod \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
exp Takes the 2nd entry to the 3rd (2nd^3rd) and saves it into the 4th location like input exp \n 1 \n 2 \n ?var
sin Sine of the 2nd entry, saved in 3rd sin \n 4 \n ?var
cos Cosine of the 2nd entry, saved in 3rd cos \n 4 \n ?var
tan Tangent of the 2nd entry, saved in 3rd tan \n 4 \n ?var
# Is a comment #Everything after the Octothorp until the newline is ignored
input Takes user input and puts it into the non relative index; accepts globals as well. Only accepts numbers. input \n 85
pop Pops the entry, who’s index is equal to the 2nd entry, not relative to the command pop \n 729
pto Like pop but pops everything until that non relative index NOTE: DOES NOT POP THAT INDEX! pto \n 74
pie pop-if-equal. essentialy pto with the 2nd entry if the 3rd entry is equal to zero pie \n 52 \n 0
pne pop-if-not-equal. pie but inverted! pne \n 52 \n 4
loop loops from itself to the desired index, forever. You can use pto to escape it loop \n 3 ...
while functions like loop, but every loop checks if the 4th condition is still 0. If not, stops looping. while \n ?var \n 5
vram Sets up vram as an window you can edit. Width = 2nd entry; Height = 3rd entry. The indexing starts at the value of the 4th entry and ends at the value of the (4th + 2nd * 3rd) entries. Each entry in that space can contain a 24bit number (0x000000 to 0xffffff), which it will render. vram \n 100 \n 100 \n 1024


  • ° ; String marker
  • $ ; turns the number into an ascii character string and vice versa. i.e. $?data, $°H
  • \ ; Magic Characters: \° will put ° as a character.
  • ? and *; explained below


To make this program actually useful, two types of semivariables exist:

  • Pointers, defined with * i.e. *5, *306, point to that non relative index. If the entry containing the pointer is changed, the index itself will not or
  • Globals, defined with ? i.e. ?john, ?johnathanthe6, act like a singular stack entry with a name.

Using quantum linking, of course.

Example with no variables:

#This entry will get overwritten

Example with pointers:

#This entry will get overwritten

Example with globals:


More Examples

Line count is only there for readability purposes, remove them if you want to compile them!


 1 print     
 2 °Hello, World!
 3 end         # do i have to explain


 1 input       # gets the user input
 2 ?val
 3 pne         # -> if ?val is not equal to 0, pop
 4 9           # -> if equal, run and end
 5 ?val
 6 print       # print string 0
 7 °0
 8 end         # end
 9 sub         # the next 4 entries have to be done otherwise you can type 2 and still indefinitely print 1
10 ?val 
11 1
12 pne         # pops to end if its not 0
13 19          
14 ?val
15 loop
16 18          # loops 15-18, but since its popping itself essentially loops 17-18, printing 1 indefinitely
17 print
18 °1
19 end

If this is too complicated, heres one printing 1 indefinitely if the user input isnt 0. I call it the !false-machine:

 1 input       # gets the user input
 2 5
 3 pie         # if #placeholder is equal to 0: pop everything until 10.
 4 10          # if not run the code in the area between 3-9, and since it pops itself: 5-9.
 5 #placeholder  and puts it here
 6 loop
 7 9           # loops 6-9, but since its popping itself essentially loops 8-9, printing 1 indefinitely        
 8 print
 9 °1
10 print
11 °0
12 end


An interpreter is on the way!