Snakes and bits (Snakes and ladders)

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Snakes and Bits (Snakes and Ladders) is an esoteric stack based programming language that functions in 2 dimensions. You denote a entry point of the prorgam using S and use Ladders (#) and snakes (~) to move vertically other wise you constantly move to the right.

There's more in depth info on how the language works and the location of the program that executes/visualizes the code on my github.

Program examples

bottles of beers

                            ~                                                                                                                                         \
S "set number of beers" _ 0 . $ " bottles of beers on the wall" $ " bottles of beers on the wall" "take one down pass it around" $ " bottoles of beer on the wall" d ?!
                                                                                                                                                                      . @   

truth machine

             ~\ #
            .$  # 
S _ 0 > i <?=

fibonacci sequence

S 0 i 0 > i  [ +    ~      ~\ 
                    ~     ~\#
                    ~    ~\ #
                    ~   ~\  #
                    ~  ~\   #
                    ~ ~\    #
                    ~~\     #
                    ~\      #
                    $  >  + #  @