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Small is a minimal programming language for the 22nd century. It has everything you need. (dead link)

Try the online compiler!

It has 2 commands:

  • "+" increments the accumulator.
  • "." outputs the accumulator as an ASCII char.

When the accumulator reaches 250, it resets back to 0, and a command is skipped.


I did not make the interpreter, but I believe it is in Javascript.

const P = prompt();
let a = 0, o = '';
for (let c of P) {
    if (a == 250) a = 0;
    else if (c == '+') a++;
    else if (c == '.') o += String.fromCharCode(a);

The following Python script is also an interpreter.

prgm = input('>small ')
accumulator = 0
for inst in range(0, len(prgm)):
    if accumulator == 250:
        accumulator = 0
    elif prgm[inst] == "+":
        accumulator += 1
    elif prgm[inst] == ".":
        print(chr(accumulator), end="")

Interpreters in esolangs

The following Sakana script is another interpreter.

お問壊魚作+増#Adds 6 to check if x is equal to 250#増増増増増増お減減減減減減作.書作チ魚作チ


Hello, world!

_ is used whenever a command is skipped. _ isn't a special command and can be replaced with anything else, including valid commands.


XKCD Random Number


Systematically generated using this Python function.

def smalltext(text):
    small = ""
    x = 0
    for char in text:
        while x != ord(char):
            small += "+"
            x += 1
            if x == 250:
                x = 0
                small += "_"
        small += "."

