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Simplefunge is an esoteric 2d language created by User:CrazyM4n in 2014.

Simplefunge was originally going to be a mash of Brainfuck and Befunge, but ended up just being a simpler language similar to Befunge. The GitHub page is here, and contains a quick reference and interpreter for the language.


The code in Simplefunge is executed starting at the top left of the file. It follows the direction of the arrows and executes any command along the way. The available commands are:

  • < = move cursor left until a direction change command is encountered
  • > = move cursor right until a direction change command is encountered
  • ^ = move cursor up until a direction change command is encountered
  • v = move cursor down until a direction change command is encountered
  • H = move cursor right if top of stack is >0 or left otherwise
  • V = move cursor up if top of stack is >0 or down otherwise
  • I = input character

note: characters get converted to integers on the stack

note: this is standard style, it just takes the latest char of all the input to the program

  • i = input integer
  • O = output character
  • o = output integer
  • # = output stack for debugging purposes
  • n = output newline
  • 0-9 = push number to top of stack
  • + = add numbers on top of stack
  • - = subtract numbers on top of stack, going backwards, as in "top - second to top"
  • * = multiply numbers on top of stack
  • / = divide numbers on top of stack, going backwards, as in "top / second to top", and places the result on the stack with the top being "divisor", then the next being "remainder"
  • ` = pop top of stack
  • ! = duplicate top of stack
  • & = switch the top two values on the stack
  • | = pop the top of the stack, then move the value from that index to the top - not counting the popped element
  • . = pop the top of the stack, then move the next top value to that index - not counting the popped element

note: the top of the stack is index 0

  • (space) = continue direction of cursor
  • @ = end of program

Example Programs

As far as I know, this language is completely turing-complete, due to, in the most part, the | operator. Therefore, any program is able to be created in Simplefunge. A few good examples are, though:

One character cat




Fibonacci sequence

  ^      <