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Designed by Me(Masldobehere)
Appeared in 2020
Memory system variables, dynamic memory, etc.
Computational class Turing-complete
Major implementations Scratch
Influenced by Brainfuck
File extension(s) .sc

STBF(or SCTBF), or rather S-CODE To BrainFuck is a program I made on Scratch recently (here) that compiles simple S-CODE (syntax a bit similar to BASIC or M-CODE) into (somewhat compact) BF code! (It's still in BETA, so don't expect it being AMAZING)

I documented it very thoroughly on Github and this is almost like a copy but Idc.

What you need to know

The compiler uses wrapping 8 bit cells. ([-]- would set the cell to 255)

Features it currently has:

  • Variables
  • Lists
  • I/O functions
  • Loops
  • Do
  • Functions
  • Low Level Commands
  • Math
  • Programs can be im/ex ported and written in another text editor (save it as a .txt and don't use " because scratch lists don't like that character)

Here is an interpreter I made that has support for the "debugscr" command (I made it, lol)

Commands and Syntax

Let's go over the Basics!


Every Line is kept short and has the following structure:

Command (arg1) (arg2) (arg3) (...)

Each Argument is sepperated by a space.

for example:

int Test
set Test 100

Now let's get to the actual commands and Datatypes!


Let's start with some basic Variables.

To set up a Variable for later use, just use int.

int Test

To set a Variable to a value, use set.

set Test 100

To set a Variable to another Variable, use copy.

copy Test Test2

To do Math with two Variables, use math.

Note: The output will get set to the first Variable.

# Supported Operations are Addition(+) Subtraction(-) Multiplication(*) Floor Division(/) 
math Test * Test2


Next up are Lists.

To set up a List for later use, just use lint.

lint Test (amount of elements)

To set an Element to a value, use lset.

lset Test 1 5

This sets the first Element of the List to 5.

To set an Element to a Variable, use vlset.

vlset Test 1 var

This sets the first Element of the List to (var).

Now we want to set the X'th Element of a List to a Variable. Just use vvlset.

vvlset Test var1 var2

This sets the (var1) Element of the List to (var2).

Now we want to set a Variable to some Element of a List! Just use lsetvar.

lsetvar Test 1 var

This sets var to the first Element of the List.

And now again with the X'th Element. Can you guess it? Its lsetvvar.

lsetvvar Test var1 var2

This sets var2 to the (var2) Element of the List.


Input and Output We have a few ways of Input and Output with S-CODE.


For input, we have input.

input var

This will prompt input and set var to the ASCII value of the input


For Output we have a few Options:

Note: Keep in mind every output just adds something to the current line, except nl and that sorta stuff...


ouput A

This will output A.


ouput# 10

This will output the ASCII code 10 (a new line)

For new lines we can also just use nl.


Do you want to display Long Text? No Problemo! Just use phrase.

phrase Hello, World!

Now let's output a Variable!

outvar var

This will output the Variable var. (Just like ouput# but with a Variable)

Many People faced the HORROR of displaying the Value of a variable in Decimal. But with S-CODE it's as simple as outvardec.

outvardec var

This will output the decimal value of the Variable var.

Loops, If and Functions

Here are the commands that depend on something to run their code.


Loops look like this:

loop var1 (= > < ≠) var2
if var1 (= > < ≠) var2 loop

the loop command starts a loop when a condition is given. (Like var1 > var2) Every Loop has to have 1 if ... command at the end of it where it will loop if a condition is met (Like var1 ≠ var2)

Note: Loops, if and Do commands only work with variables (for now) so set a variable beforehand!

Do if

The Do if command is basically if.

do if var1 (= > < ≠) var 2

you can guess how it works by now.


Functions are like Do if but without the if. Add them with this code:

function name

Call a function with func.

func test

Note: Functions use global variables like everything else and functions CANNOT have other Functions inside!!! (it could cause an endless loop of compiling)

Low Level Commands

Low Level Commands are for manipulating Cells or/and the Pointer directly.

We have raw. his allows you to paste your own BF Code inside of the S-CODE.

raw >>>+>-[>+<-]

Note: When using the raw command, you should always use goto beforehand AND the pointer HAS TO BE EXACTLY WHERE IT WAS BEFORE THE RAW CODE!!!!

Then we have cellcopy. This allows you to copy one Cell to another.

cellcopy 20 35

This copies the Cell 20 to the Cell 35.

Then celllchange. It changes a cell by some amount

( You can only use + or - )
celllchange 10 + 2

This changes the Cell 10 by 2.

And last but not least vcellchange.

vcellchange 10 + var

This changed the Cell 10 by (var).

And of Course goto.

goto 10

It sets the Pointer to 10.


Here are some Commands that don't fit in the other Categories:

We have #.

# Your Comment goes here

It's for commenting.


Here are some Example Programs I made for you!

Hello, World!

That's the Hello, World! program.

phrase Hello, World!

Number Comparator

Here is a Number comparator.

int a
int b

phrase input number one: 
input a
outvar a

phrase input number two: 
input b
outvar b

outvar a

do if a = b
output =

do if a > b
output >

do if a < b
output <

outvar b

get decimal ASCII of input

This will show the ASCII value of the input.

int a
phrase Enter a character
loop a = a
input a
outvar a
phrase : 
outvardec a
if a = a loop