SE is short for "self-explanatory", which is exactly what this language stands for. I've included the syntax for the really dumb people who can't make up how to use it.
Note: Maybe it's not so esoteric :| Might make an interpreter (other than SE's one) soon :)
To assign a value to a variable, you use
<type> _<variablename> is <value> end
character _c is x end number _x is 42 end
It's forbidden to use the following names:
- _arguments This one is reserved for use in functions (See Functions)
- _system This one is reserved for getting information from the system (See _system)
- _space This is used as a space in character arrays (See Arrays)
- _enter This is used as a newline in character arrays (See Arrays)
- _underscore This is a normal underscore without referencing to variables
Arrays are created just as easy
array _<variablename> is [_foo _bar _baz] end
The SE interpreter decides the type of the array by the type of the first item.
array _foo is [f o o] end
Linked array
There is a special type of array, called linked array, which works like a hashmap. The type is linkarray It has the same syntax as a normal array, but where you can use
do > with [f o o] from _<link array name>
which outputs "bar" (See Examples below) (See Input and output)
array _foo is [f o o] end array _bar is [b a r] end array _baz is [b a z] end array _too is [t h a t _space o t h e r _space o n e] end linkarray _persons is [_foo_bar _baz_too] end
Notice that you have to use variables, as they have to be linked by having no space between the names.
Input and output
Inputting is done per character with the special character <
character _input is < end
Outputting is done with the special character >
do > with _output end
Reading from a file is done with << from <filename>
array _file is << from [f o o . t x t] end
Writing to a file is done with >> to <filename>
do >> to [b a r . t x t] with _output end
See Hello world on the bottom of the page
A function is a valid type, so a function is constructed as follows
function _foo is { do > with _argument:1 end } end
It can be stretched too
function _bar is { do > with _argument:1 end } end
To call a function, you should use do:
do _foo with [h]
To return a value, use send
function _echo is { send _arguments end } end
System functions
- + [array] Add all numbers from array. If the type of array is not number, throw an error called brick through Windows (Be happy when you're using a Linux/UNIX based OS)
- - [array] Same as +, but subtracting this time
- * [array] Same as -, but multiplying
- / [array] Do I have to explain?
- > Outputting (See Input and output)
- < Inputting (See Input and output)
- >> ...
- <<
function _foo is { number _added is { do + with [_argument:1 _argument:2] end } end send } end do > with { do _foo with [1 2] end } end
do > with { do _foo with [1 2 3] end } end
We only used argument 1 and 2 in function foo, watch closely ;)
The variable _system is a special variable, as it is a linked array (See Linked array) It contains the following information:
- name [Type: array of character] This is the name used by the current user
- arch [Type: array of character] This is the architecture from the CPU (32 or 64)
- file [Type: array of character] This is the name from the current opened file
- inter [Type: short-cut for array of character] This is a short-cut for interpreter (See below)
- interpreter [Type: array of character] This creates the SE interpreter
- secret [Type: function] This is a function for the curious ones
do _system:secret end
Simple programs and examples
Hello World
A simple Hello world program
array _hello is [H e l l o] end array _world is [W o r l d] end array _hw is [_hello _space _world !] end do > with _hw end
Yes, a file containing nothing will output nothing :3
do > with { do << from _system:file end } end
By reading it's own file
The only interpreter is created in SE itself, and can only be run in SE.
array _int is _system:interpreter end array _filename is [s e _underscore i n t e r p r e t e r . s e] end do >> _filename with _int end
To run the interpreter with a file after creating it using the above steps
$ <name>
To run the Hello World! example from above:
Make sure the file is in your path and runnable!