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S1LK is an Esoteric programming language created by User:Buckets in 2022 about Having an Output Purely In Taste.

Commands Instructions
Set Sets the Next variable by the Next Number, example: Set blah 1, If you are Changing The tastes, Use numbers Between 0 to 1.
Create Create A new Variable and Name it,

Example: Create blah .

Change Changes the next Variable by the Next number, examples: Change blah 2, Change blah -3.
Sweet A Variable that is in the Taste catagory.
Sour A variable of the taste.
Salt A Salt tasting variable.
Bitter A variable of The catagory, Taste.
Umami A taste variable.
If If the Next variable is Equal to the Next Number, Then go to Y, Else N (To signify Which Y is to Which If, is By Indentation by counting upwards in Base 2 Which is made of Tabs and Spaces, For example If the 1st use of If will Go to (Space)Y).
Y Noop.
N Noop.
Submit Submits the Concoction of the main tastes.
PD Creates A variable named "Pd", That stores an Input, If used Multiple times It will change it to "Pd1", "Pd2" etc.
Toggle Mint Toggles Mint.
Toggle Spice Toggles Spice.

(Spice and Mint is Automatically off.)

Cat Program*:

PD Create back
 N Change Pd -1 Change Sweet 0.01
Change Sour 0.01 Change Bitter
0.01 Change Umami 0.01 Change Salt 0.01
Change back 1 If Pd 0
	N Toggle Mint Toggle Spice Change back -1
If back 0
	Y Submit

Truth-machine Program*:

PD If Pd 0
 N Toggle Mint Toggle Spice Set Sweet 1
Set Sour 1 Set Bitter 1 Set Salt 1
Set Umami 1 Set Pd 1
	Y Submit
If Pd 1
 Y Submit