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Roadrunner is a Brainfuck clone language created by Katrina Scialdone. It is based off of the popular Looney Tunes character Roadrunner, who, as is fairly well known, pretty much only ever says 'Meep meep!'.

The language currently only has one implementation in the form of a Python interpreter; the interpreter in question can also be easily modified to produce a Brainfuck clone with any syntax (to a certain extent). It includes a compiler from Brainfuck to the clone language as well.


Each command in Roadrunner is the word 'meep' with different capitalization, separated by spaces. Any unrecognized tokens will be ignored - however, be careful not to use 'meep' in any comments.

BF Command RR Command Description
> meeP Move the pointer to the right
< Meep Move the pointer to the left
+ mEEp Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- MeeP Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. MEEP Output the character signified by the cell at the pointer
, meep Input a character and store it in the cell at the pointer
[ mEEP Jump past the matching ] if the cell under the pointer is 0
] MEEp Jump back to the matching [ if the cell under the pointer is nonzero

Computational class

Roadrunner is a direct syntax swap of Brainfuck, therefore it is Turing-complete.


Hello, world!

mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEP meeP mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp meeP mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp meeP mEEp mEEp mEEp meeP mEEp Meep Meep Meep Meep MeeP MEEp meeP mEEp mEEp MEEP meeP mEEp MEEP mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp MEEP MEEP mEEp mEEp mEEp MEEP meeP mEEp mEEp MEEP Meep Meep mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp mEEp MEEP meeP MEEP mEEp mEEp mEEp MEEP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MEEP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MeeP MEEP meeP mEEp MEEP meeP MEEP

The equivalent Brainfuck program:


External resources