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// // main.c // RNA // // Created by Cyrus Hackford on 2011. // Copyright 2011 SI devIk. All rights reserved. // #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define RNA_INTERP_VERSION "1.0" #define RNA_STR_INIT_SIZE 32 #ifndef OBJC_BOOL_DEFINED #define OBJC_BOOL_DEFINED typedef signed char BOOL; #define NO ((BOOL)0) #define YES ((BOOL)1) #endif typedef struct _Memory { unsigned char *mem; unsigned long alloc; unsigned long used; } Memory; static BOOL appendMem(Memory *memory, const char *appendable) { size_t leng=strlen(appendable); if((memory->alloc-memory->used)<leng) { unsigned char *test=(unsigned char *)realloc(memory->mem, (size_t)(memory->used+leng+1)); if(test==NULL) return NO; memory->mem=test; memory->alloc+=leng; } { unsigned char *temp=memory->mem; size_t length=leng; while(*temp!='\0') temp++; while(length!=0 && (*temp=*appendable++)!='\0') { length--; temp++; } if(*temp!='\0') *temp='\0'; } memory->used+=leng; return YES; } static BOOL createMem(Memory **memory) { *memory=(Memory *)malloc(sizeof(Memory)); if(*memory==NULL) return NO; (*memory)->mem=(unsigned char *)malloc(RNA_STR_INIT_SIZE+1); if((*memory)->mem==NULL) { free(*memory); return NO; } memset((*memory)->mem, 0, RNA_STR_INIT_SIZE+1); (*memory)->alloc=RNA_STR_INIT_SIZE; (*memory)->used=0; return YES; } static void destroyMem(Memory **memory, BOOL completely) { if(completely==YES) free((*memory)->mem); free(*memory); } static void dumpMem(Memory *memory, unsigned long limit) { // debugging purpose unsigned long loop=0, loopy; if(limit==0) loop=memory->alloc; else loop=limit<memory->alloc?limit:memory->alloc; printf("\nMemory#%lu: [", (unsigned long)memory); for(loopy=0; loopy<loop; ++loopy) { printf("%u", memory->mem[loopy]); if(loopy!=(loop-1)) printf(", "); } printf("]\n"); } static BOOL expandMem(Memory *memory, size_t size) { unsigned char *test; if(memory->alloc>=size) return YES; test=(unsigned char *)realloc(memory->mem, size+1); if(test==NULL) return NO; memory->mem=test; return YES; } static size_t ustrlen(const unsigned char *s) { const unsigned char *p=s; while(*p!='\0') p++; return (size_t)(p-s); } int main(int argc, const char **argv) { unsigned char *instructions; if(argc==1) { printf("The RNA Programming Language -- Interpreter v%s\nUsage: %s filename\n", RNA_INTERP_VERSION, argv[0]); return EXIT_FAILURE; } { BOOL failed; char *tempStrg; FILE *stream; Memory *instructionHolder; if(createMem(&instructionHolder)==NO) { printf("Interpreter error: Cannot allocate memory to hold RNA instructions.\nTerminated.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if((stream=fopen(argv[1], "r"))==NULL) { printf("Interpreter error: Cannot open RNA instruction file: %s.\nTerminated.\n", argv[1]); destroyMem(&instructionHolder, YES); return EXIT_FAILURE; } failed=NO; if((tempStrg=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*512))==NULL) { printf("Interpreter error: Cannot allocate memory to hold RNA instructions.\nTerminated.\n"); fclose(stream); destroyMem(&instructionHolder, YES); return EXIT_FAILURE; } while(feof(stream)==0) { fread(tempStrg, sizeof(char), 512, stream); if(appendMem(instructionHolder, tempStrg)==NO) { failed=YES; break; } } free(tempStrg); fclose(stream); if(failed==YES) { printf("Interpreter error: Cannot resize memory space used to hold RNA instructions.\nTerminated.\n"); destroyMem(&instructionHolder, YES); return EXIT_FAILURE; } instructions=instructionHolder->mem; destroyMem(&instructionHolder, NO); } { // A=1 U=2 G=3 C=4 unsigned char *ptr; Memory *memory; if(createMem(&memory)==NO) { printf("Interpreter error: Cannot allocate memory to hold on-execution data.\nTerminated.\n"); free(instructions); return EXIT_FAILURE; } unsigned int codon=0, codonSize=100, loopActivatorIndex=0; unsigned long loop, loopActivators[2][64], loopy, strg; BOOL loopActivated=NO, skipUntilLoopTerminator=NO, started=NO; for(loop=ustrlen(instructions), loopy=0; loopy<loop; ++loopy) { { unsigned int inst=0; switch(instructions[loopy]) { case 'A': case 'a': inst=1; break; case 'U': case 'u': inst=2; break; case 'G': case 'g': inst=3; break; case 'C': case 'c': inst=4; break; } if(inst==0) continue; codon+=inst*codonSize; } if(codonSize==1) { if(started==NO) { if(codon==123) { // Metionine started=YES; strg=0; ptr=memory->mem; } } else { if(skipUntilLoopTerminator==YES && (codon==212 || codon==214)) skipUntilLoopTerminator=NO; else { switch(codon) { case 211: // Termination case 213: case 231: started=NO; break; case 233: // Tryptophan strg=0; break; case 111: // Lysine case 113: ++strg; break; case 112: // Asparagin case 114: --strg; break; case 341: // Alanine case 342: case 343: case 344: strg=(unsigned long)*ptr; break; case 141: // Threonine case 142: case 143: case 144: expandMem(memory, strg+1); ptr=&(memory->mem[strg]); break; case 441: // Proline case 442: case 443: case 444: { int temp; scanf("%d", &temp); *ptr=(unsigned char)(temp&0xF); } break; case 421: // Leucine case 422: case 423: case 424: printf("%c", (char)(*ptr&0x7F)); break; case 131: // Arginine case 133: case 431: case 432: case 433: case 434: expandMem(memory, strg+1); *ptr+=memory->mem[strg]; break; case 132: // Serine case 134: case 241: case 242: case 243: case 244: expandMem(memory, strg+1); *ptr*=memory->mem[strg]; break; case 411: // Glutamine case 413: expandMem(memory, strg+1); *ptr-=memory->mem[strg]; break; case 412: // Histidine case 414: expandMem(memory, strg+1); *ptr/=memory->mem[strg]; break; case 311: // Glutamic acid case 313: expandMem(memory, strg+1); *ptr=(*ptr==memory->mem[strg]?1:0); break; case 312: // Aspartic acid case 314: if(*ptr==0) { if(loopActivated==NO) skipUntilLoopTerminator=YES; else { loopy=loopActivators[1][loopActivatorIndex--]; loopActivated=NO; } } else { loopActivated=YES; loopActivators[0][loopActivatorIndex]=loopy-2; } break; case 212: // Tyrosine case 214: if(loopActivated==YES) { loopActivators[1][loopActivatorIndex]=codon+1; loopy=loopActivators[0][loopActivatorIndex--]; } break; // Other codons are no-op yet. :) } } } codon=0; codonSize=100; } else codonSize/=10; } } free(instructions); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }