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Random Code Executation Machine (RCEM) is an esoteric computer language invented in March 2008 by User:Feuermonster. Data is stored on an infinite tape. In addition, there exists a cell (called I-Cell), which can store numbers. Every cell can have one of the following values: 0 (false), 1 (true), or 2 (maybe).


RCEM is based on the idea of a tape, infinite in size and populated by cells capable of storing ternary digits, also known as trits. Partaking of this threefold nature, the following digits are allowed per cell:

  • 0 (false)
  • 1 (true)
  • 2 (maybe)

The current cell on this tape is referenced by a movable pointer. An additional cell, not physically bound to the tape and named the I-Cell, permits the maintenance of an integer number of arbitrary size and sign. Data can be communicated to and fro between the tape, interpreted as binary in such a context, and the I-Cell.


RCEM defines commands to operate on the current cell, the I-Cell, and the communication betwixt these. A command might accept zero, one or two arguments.

Command Meaning
rx Moves the pointer x steps to the right.
lx Moves the pointer x steps to the left.
sx Sets the current cell to x, where x might be 0, 1, or 2.
o_ Prints out the value which is stored at the current cell.
i_ Reads a value from the input and stores it in the current cell.
x_ Sets the value of the current cell to a random value which might be 0, 1, or 2.
^x Changes the current cell by XOR-combining it with the cell at cells[current + x].
+x Changes the current cell by AND-combining it with the cell at cells[current + x].
c_ Switches the current cell value from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0.
++ Adds 1 to the current cell.
-- Subtracts 1 from the current cell.
2x If the current cell has the value 2, its value is replaced by x.
m+ Adds 1 to the I-Cell.
m- Subtracts 1 from the I-Cell.
mp Prints out the I-Cell as a number.
mo Prints out the I-Cell as a character.
mi Reads a value from the input and stores it in the I-Cell.
m::x::y Reads the cells from cells[x] to cells[y] as binary digits, concatenates them, and stores their represented decimal value into the I-Cell. E.g., m::0::8 would read the cells 0 to 8. See the examples below.
z::x::y Reads the decimal number from the I-Cell, converts it into its binary representation, and stores the bits into the cells cells[x] to cells[y].

If the value n of a cell would be >=3, the value will instead be set to n % 3.


RCEM defines the following loops as control structures. Each variant is discriminated by its own activation condition; however, if the current cell equals 2, every loop will be executed, even if relying upon a certain cell configuration.

Loop Condition
(…) The code will be executed if the current cell has the value 0.
{…} The code will be executed if the current cell has the value 1
<…> The code will be executed if the I-Cell value is not 0.
/…\ The code will be executed if the current cell has the value 2.
[…] The code will be executed if Rnd(2) yields 1, giving a chance of 50%.


s2[r1s2] Infinite loop.
s2o_ This will print 2.
x_[r1x_] Random loop.
x_r9([r1][l2]x_) An other random based loop.
r65s1l65(m+r1)mo This will Print 'A'.
s0r1s1r1s0r1s1l3m::0::3mp This will print '5'.
m+m+m+m+m+z::0::2o_r1o_r1o_ This will print '101'.
x_/x_\o_ Prints out '1' or '0'
<m-> Sets the I-Cell to 0.


The following Common Lisp implementation of an interpreter models the infinite tape as a hash table. Each tape cell is represented by an entry in the hash table, the key of which assumes the cell index, associated with the cell value as a ternary digit (trit).

 (deftype trit ()
   '(integer 0 2))
 (defun parse-rcem (code)
   "Parses and interprets the RCEM CODE and returns NIL."
   (declare (type string code))
   (let ((position 0)
         (memory   (make-hash-table :test #'eql)) ;; Maps: [integer] -> [trit].
         (pointer  0)
         (i-cell   0))
     (declare (type fixnum position) (type hash-table memory) (type integer pointer i-cell))
         ((expect-token (token)
            (declare (type string token))
              for token-character of-type character across token
              for code-character  of-type character = (char code position)
              do  (if (char= token-character code-character)
                    (incf position)
                    (error "Invalid character ~s, instead of ~s."
                           token-character code-character))))
          (peek-next-character ()
            (the character (char code (1+ position))))
          (read-integer ()
            (let ((end (or (position-if-not #'digit-char-p code :start position)
                           (length code))))
              (declare (type fixnum end))
              (the integer
                  (parse-integer code :start position :end end)
                  (setf position end)))))
          (move-past-section-terminator (initiator terminator)
            (declare (type character initiator terminator))
            (let ((nesting-level 0))
              (declare (type (integer 0 *) nesting-level))
              (loop do
                (incf position)
                (let ((current-character (char code position)))
                  (declare (type character current-character))
                    ((char= current-character terminator)
                      (if (zerop nesting-level)
                        (decf nesting-level)))
                    ((char= current-character initiator)
                      (incf nesting-level))))))
            (the fixnum (incf position)))
          (move-to-section-initiator (initiator terminator)
            (declare (type character initiator terminator))
            (let ((nesting-level 0))
              (declare (type (integer 0 *) nesting-level))
              (loop do
                (decf position)
                (let ((current-character (char code position)))
                  (declare (type character current-character))
                    ((char= current-character initiator)
                      (if (zerop nesting-level)
                        (decf nesting-level)))
                    ((char= current-character terminator)
                      (incf nesting-level))))))
            (the fixnum position))
          (check-cell-indices (start-cell-index end-cell-index)
            (declare (type integer start-cell-index end-cell-index))
            (when (> start-cell-index end-cell-index)
              (error "Start index ~d > end index ~d." start-cell-index end-cell-index)))
          (current-cell ()
            (the trit (gethash pointer memory 0)))
          ((setf current-cell) (new-value)
            (declare (type integer new-value))
            (the trit (setf (gethash pointer memory 0) (mod new-value 3))))
          (cell-at (index)
            (declare (type integer index))
            (the trit (gethash index memory 0)))
          ((setf cell-at) (new-value index)
            (declare (type integer new-value index))
            (the trit (setf (gethash index memory 0) (mod new-value 3)))))
         while (< position (length code))
         for   character of-type character = (char code position)
         (case character
           (#\r  (incf position)
                 (let ((number-of-steps (read-integer)))
                   (declare (type integer number-of-steps))
                   (incf pointer number-of-steps)))
           (#\l  (incf position)
                 (let ((number-of-steps (read-integer)))
                   (declare (type integer number-of-steps))
                   (decf pointer number-of-steps)))
           (#\s  (incf position)
                 (let ((new-cell-value (read-integer)))
                   (declare (type integer new-cell-value))
                   (setf (current-cell) new-cell-value)))
           (#\o  (expect-token "o_")
                 (format T "~a" (current-cell)))
           (#\i  (expect-token "i_")
                 (let ((input (read)))
                   (declare (type T input))
                   (setf (current-cell) input)))
           (#\x  (expect-token "x_")
                 (setf (current-cell) (random 3)))
           (#\^  (incf position)
                 (let ((pointer-offset (read-integer)))
                   (declare (type integer pointer-offset))
                   (setf (current-cell)
                         (logxor (current-cell)
                                 (cell-at (+ pointer pointer-offset))))))
           (#\+  (let ((next-character (peek-next-character)))
                   (declare (type character next-character))
                   (case next-character
                     ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
                       (incf position)
                       (let ((pointer-offset (read-integer)))
                         (declare (type integer pointer-offset))
                         (setf (current-cell)
                               (logand (current-cell)
                                       (cell-at (+ pointer pointer-offset))))))
                     (#\+  (expect-token "++")
                           (incf (current-cell) 1))
                   (error "Invalid command: +~c." next-character)))))
           (#\-  (expect-token "--")
                 (decf (current-cell) 1))
           (#\c  (expect-token "c_")
                 (case (current-cell)
                   (0 (setf (current-cell) 1))
                   (1 (setf (current-cell) 0))
                   (T NIL)))
           (#\2  (incf position)
                 (let ((new-cell-value (read-integer)))
                   (declare (type integer new-cell-value) (ignorable new-cell-value))
                   (when (= (current-cell) 2)
                     (setf (current-cell) new-cell-value))))
           (#\m  (incf position)
                 (let ((next-character (char code position)))
                   (declare (type character next-character))
                   (case next-character
                     (#\+  (incf i-cell 1)
                           (incf position))
                     (#\-  (decf i-cell 1)
                           (incf position))
                     (#\p  (format T "~d" i-cell)
                           (incf position))
                     (#\o  (format T "~c" (code-char I-cell))
                           (incf position))
                     (#\i  (let ((input (read)))
                             (declare (type T input))
                             (setf i-cell input)
                             (incf position)))
                     (#\:  (expect-token "::")
                           (let ((start-cell-index 0)
                                 (end-cell-index   0)
                                 (new-i-cell-value 0))
                             (declare (type integer start-cell-index end-cell-index)
                                      (type integer new-i-cell-value))
                             (setf start-cell-index (read-integer))
                             (expect-token "::")
                             (setf end-cell-index (read-integer))
                             (check-cell-indices start-cell-index end-cell-index)
                               for cell-index of-type integer from end-cell-index downto start-cell-index
                               for cell-value of-type trit    = (cell-at cell-index)
                               for bit-index  from 0 by 1
                               do  (case cell-value
                                     (0 (setf (ldb (byte 1 bit-index) new-i-cell-value) 0))
                                     (1 (setf (ldb (byte 1 bit-index) new-i-cell-value) 1))
                                     (2 (setf (ldb (byte 1 bit-index) new-i-cell-value) 1))
                                     (T (error "Invalid cell value in cell ~d: ~d." cell-index cell-value))))
                             (setf i-cell new-i-cell-value)))
                           (error "Invalid command: 'm~c'." next-character)))))
           (#\z  (incf position)
                 (expect-token "::")
                 (let ((start-cell-index 0)
                       (end-cell-index   0))
                   (declare (type integer start-cell-index end-cell-index))
                   (setf start-cell-index (read-integer))
                   (expect-token "::")
                   (setf end-cell-index (read-integer))
                   (check-cell-indices start-cell-index end-cell-index)
                     for cell-index       of-type integer from start-cell-index to end-cell-index
                     for i-cell-bit-index of-type unsigned-byte from 0 by 1
                     do  (setf (cell-at cell-index)
                               (if (logbitp i-cell-bit-index i-cell) 1 0)))))
           (#\(  (if (zerop (current-cell))
                   (incf position)
                   (move-past-section-terminator #\( #\))))
           (#\)  (move-to-section-initiator #\( #\)))
           (#\<  (if (not (zerop i-cell))
                   (incf position)
                   (move-past-section-terminator #\< #\>)))
           (#\>  (move-to-section-initiator #\< #\>))
           (#\/  (if (= (current-cell) 2)
                   (incf position)
                   (move-past-section-terminator #\/ #\\)))
           (#\\  (move-to-section-initiator #\/ #\\))
           (#\[  (if (or (= (current-cell) 2)
                         (= (random 2) 1))
                   (incf position)
                   (move-past-section-terminator #\[ #\])))
           (#\]  (move-to-section-initiator #\[ #\]))
             (error "Invalid command: ~s at position ~d." character position)))))))

An exemplary invocation is:

 ;; Prints the character 'A' to the standard output.
 (parse-rcem "r65s1l65(m+r1)mo")
