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In Quid, commands are made entirely of Latin conjugations, “being” verbs, prepositions and pronouns. Each command has one number parameter (hereforth labeled N), and is repeated that many times.
There are 7 cells, which can either store a number or a letter.
If an error is encountered, the machine halts and outputs the value of the selected cell.


Eum: output the value of cell N to the console
Adhuc: increase cell N’s value by 1 (returns an error if the value is a letter)
Erant: decrease cell N’s value by 1
Praeter: adds cell N’s value to the selected cell
Est: select cell N without any actions
Supra: if cell N has a larger value than the selected one, select it instead (returns an error if the value is a letter)
Ante: if cell N has a smaller value than the selected one, select it instead (returns an error if the value is a letter)
Tunc … post: repeat the commands inside until the program selects a cell with a value of 0, then jumps to post
Sum: Changes the selected cell’s value to that of cell N
Factus: Converts cell N’s value into a letter and replaces the original value with it (returns an error if the value is a letter)
Habet: The opposite of Factus. Converts cell N’s value into a digit and replaces the original with it (returns an error if the value is a digit)
Quid: At the start and end of programs (all text before/after quid is comments)
Per __ … Per: Instead of running the code, create a function so that whenever the text in the blank is typed, it will run that code. (returns an error if you call a name without having defined it)


“Hello World”

Outputs one at a time: H E L L O W O R L D
Per clear2
Erant Erant
Est Est
Est Est
Factus Factus
Eum Eum
Habet Habet
Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc
Factus Factus
Eum Eum
Habet Habet
Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc
Praeter Praeter
Factus Factus
Eum Eum
Eum Eum
Habet Habet
Est Est Est
Sum Sum
Est Est Est Est
Sum Sum
Est Est Est Est Est Est
Sum Sum
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Factus Factus Factus
Eum Eum Eum
Erant Erant Erant Erant
Est Est Est Est
Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Factus Factus Factus Factus
Eum Eum Eum Eum
Habet Habet Habet Habet
Eum Eum Eum
Habet Habet Habet
Erant Erant Erant
Erant Erant Erant
Sum Sum Sum
Est Est Est Est Est
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter
Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter
Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc Adhuc
Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter Praeter
Factus Factus Factus Factus Factus
Eum Eum Eum Eum Eum
Habet Habet Habet Habet
Factus Factus Factus Factus Factus Factus
Eum Eum Eum Eum Eum Eum
Habet Habet Habet Habet Habet
Adhuc Adhuc
Adhuc Adhuc
Est Est
Praeter Praeter
Factus Factus
Eum Eum


You know what this does
Per 3?
Est Est
Erant Erant
Erant Erant
Erant Erant
Supra Supra Supra
(please insert rest i ran out of time)