QWERTY Keyboard Dot Language

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The above dots say hello. I decided not to write all of Hello, World! because it would take too long. The way this programming language is written is quite simple: You put as many dots as there are keys on the keyboard that are printable characters up to the key you want (including itself). For example: .=` and ..=1 and ...=2, and so on. If you want to write a shifted character, you must use commas (,) instead of periods (.); for instance: ,,=!.

OK. now that I have gone over the output, I shall go over the programming.

This program is written as so: You tell the computer what you want it to do. If you want the computer to write onscreen "Merry Christmas", you write "Write Merry Christmas" but do it in the dots. If you want to computer to erase a file, write "Erase The file called ----" in dots, of course. If you want the computer to make you a cup of tea, write "Make me a cup of tea" in dots. The computer will try its best to do what you command, but I don't think it can make tea. The only time it won't try to do as you say is if you say "From now on let me type everything using the real characters rather than dots".


The following code prints Hello, World! to the standard output:

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ................. ................................... ................................... ....................... .............................................. ................................................. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ....................... .................. ................................... ............................. ,,


  • Common Lisp implementation of the QWERTY Keyboard Dot Language programming language.