Python but it's trash

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I am User:LEOMOK, here to make Python trash.

How I made it trash

This programming language is exactly the same as normal Python, but:

  1. The underscore _ is not allowed, even in strings. Same for expressions and escape codes that produce an underscore, such as \u005f.
  2. All integers are 32 bit. There are no floats. Also, the only numeric literal is 0.
  3. math functions return truncated results. math.pi is 3.
  4. The only boolean is True. Expressions that evaluate to False are undefined behavior.
  5. All errors are called Error. That means no TypeErrors, no SyntaxErrors, just Error.
  6. The == operator is undefined.
  7. String literals may not contain whitespace, unless if that’s all it contains.
  8. Lists may not contain three instances of the same item, unless the list contains exactly three items.
  9. The stringification of None is the lyrics of Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up.
  10. The only variable names are foo, bar, baz and single characters.


Hello, world!

print("Hello,"+" "+"world!")

Never Gonna Give You Up


Unbounded integer class (since PBIT’s integers are only 32 bit, does not support negative numbets)

class I:
    self.v = [] #initial value 0
    def i(self): #increment
        return I(self+[[]])
    def d(self): #decrement
        return I(self[not 0:])