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PrySigneToFry-complete is a concept proposed by PSTF.

What Esolang can be PrySigneToFry-complete?

  1. This Esolang must be able to output "問天地好在" or "Hello, world!".
  2. This Esolang must be able to output User:PrySigneToFry/烂下攫用乴 constant by using loop.
  3. This Esolang must be able to do User:PrySigneToFry/烂下攫用乴 function.
  4. This Esolang must be able to input 2 integers and output their sum. Additional, to be more PrySigneToFry-complete, this Esolang must be able to do Disan Count.
  5. This Esolang must be able to output a descending sequence from 99 to 0 by using loop. Additional, to be more PrySigneToFry-complete, this Esolang must be able to do 99 bottles of beer.
  6. This Esolang must be able to judge that 6 is not equal to 5.
  • Additional rules(if the Esolang follow these rules, it will be only PrySigneToFry-complete and Turing-complete)
    1. This Esolang must be able to do Wolfram's rule-110.
    2. This Esolang must be able to simulate a Conway's game of life.
    3. This Esolang must be able to access the Internet.
    4. This Esolang must be able to develop a software that used graphic.

Isn't PrySigneToFry-complete is Turing-complete?

Not exactly. Turing-complete didn't need I/O, but PrySigneToFry-complete need.

And, Turing-complete didn't need an Esolang to calculate trigonometric functions, but PrySigneToFry-complete need.

If an Esolang is PrySigneToFry complete, it will also what-complete?

  1. Turing-complete because of arithmetic, loop, judgement and jump, I/O.
  2. Plushie-complete because of I/O and variable-operation.
  3. Aweosme-complete because of loop, I/O.