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ProgFk is a language created by User:David.werecat using nibbles as instructions and having theoretically infinite bitwise memory.


# Description
1 Increments the pointer by 1 bit
2 Decrements the pointer by 1 bit
3 Sets the bit to 0
4 Sets the bit to 1
5 If the bit is 0, skip the next instruction
6 If the bit is 1, skip the next instruction
7 Output the ASCII value of the 8 bits following the pointer
8 Sets the 8 bits following the pointer to the input key
9 Sets the goto flag to the current instruction
A Jumps to the goto flag
B Jumps ahead 1 instruction
C Jumps ahead 10 instructions
D Performs a NOT on the current bit
E Next instruction is an extended instruction
F Ends the program

Extended instructions

# Description
1 Performs an AND on the current bit and the next bit and stores it in the current bit
2 Performs an OR on the current bit and the next bit and stores it in the current bit
3 Performs a XOR on the current bit and the next bit and stores it in the current bit
4 Stores the value of the current bit
5 Sets the current bit to the stored value
6 Swaps the current bit and the next bit
7 Swaps the current bit and the last bit
8 Waits one second
9 Beeps
A Clears output
B Jumps ahead 1 instruction
C Jumps ahead 10 instruections
D Clears the stored bit
F Ends the program

External resources