Poetic (Mihai Popa)

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Poetic is a esolang made by Mihai Popa. The programs are made of English text.

How it works

It divides the words in letters, and it counts.

  • If a word is less than 10 letters long, the value is that single digit
  • If a word is 10 letters long, the value is 0
  • If a word is more than 10 letters long, the value is that digits representing the word length (for example, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis becames 45)

Has a 30K byte tape that can be switched to unlimited memory.

Commands must be separated by a newline!

The command list is this:

Command list
Command Example word Meaning
1 a Go to the next byte.
2 to Go to the previous byte.
3 add Add the byte with the value after next_digit. If next_digit is 0, then add 10 instead.
4 have Subtract the byte with the value after next_digit. If next_digit is 0, then subtract 10 instead.
5 input Give user input and store the value as a ASCII character.
6 output Output the byte value as a ASCII character.
7 chatbot If the current byte is equal to 0, jump execution to after the matching 8.
8 language If the current byte is not equal to 0, jump execution to after the matching 7.
9 employers Set the current byte to a random value from 0 and 255.
0 experience End program execution.
11 recommended Switch memory to unlimited and back to 30K.


Prints "Hi!"

Add experience and goodness.
You love this content
The color is very good,
For good people that love!

Add this number because it is good.
You like this content!

The future of large language models,
The past of floppy disks,
The HTML language that is very good,
And JavaScript for interactive content.
And interactivity is very good.
And good ending!

Output that!
A next byte, please!

Add experience and goodness.
You love this content
The color is very good,
For good people that love!

Add this number because it is good.
You like this content!

The future of large language models,
The past of floppy disks,
The HTML language that is very good,
And JavaScript for interactive content.
And interactivity is very good.
And good ending!

The future of large language models,
The past of floppy disks,
The HTML language that is very good,
And JavaScript for interactive content.
And create content.
You go to the store!
You love this store!
You to love...

Output that!
A next byte, please!

The Mario Kart Tour is a good game we all know and love.
The interactivity is the best.
Red shoes goes to the orange juice.
She is good!
The green color is cold.
Have you gone to the store?

Output that!

Explanation (in Brainfuck)

// "H"
// "i"
// "!"

Cat program(EOF=0)

Until program ending bring complete

XKCD Random Number

This section is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Other examples

This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Infinite loop

two a esolang language

Yes, this doesn't even have correct grammar! But it still works.

Computational class

In the 30K memory mode, Poetic is not Turing-complete as the memory is limited.

In the unlimited memory mode, it's Turing-complete.