Pendulum Instruction Set Architecture

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Pendulum Instruction Set Architecture (PISA) is a reversible instruction set architecture. It resembles a cross between standard RISC and PDP-8 with modifications to support reversibility.


This section quotes from [1] (Vieri95).

  • Memory access is always an exchange. To copy a value, ensure that one register is clear (by exchanging it with an empty memory location if necessary) and add the other register to it in copy <- copy + original where copy is originally clear.
  • Control flow operations must appear in identical pairs.


Fibonacci example copied from [1] (Vieri95).

 main:  start                    ; Compute Nth Fibonacci number
        addi $1 1                ; $0=0, $1=1, base case
        addi $2 18               ; hold N, loop counter
        neg $2                   ; shorthand for (xori $2 0x1ff) + 1
        addi $2 1                ; setup $2 for loop count
        addi $3 bottom           ; loop target is top; swapped with bottom
        addi $4 t1               ; entry point
        addi $5 exit             ; exit address
 call:  bez $4 $7                ; call fib routine
        rbez $5 $7               ; return from rcall
        addi $5 -1
 rexit: bez $4 $7
 top:   bltz $3 $2               ; paired loop branch, could be J
 t1:    bez $4 $7
        addi $7 1
        add $0 $1
        xor $0 $1                ; swap $0, $1
        xor $1 $0
        xor $0 $1
        addi $2 1                ; increment counter
        addi $3 -10              ; correct for exchange
 b1:    bez $5 $2                ; exit condition
 bottom: bltz $3 $2              ; loop until done
 exit:  bez $5 $2                ; exit point. top and bottom could
                                 ; have an unconditional jump
 ;;; Copy output and call the fib generator in reverse
        add $6 $1                ; Result to $6
        addi $4 3                ; $4 points to call, adjust to rexit
 rcall: rbez $5 $2               ; call backwards; goto b1
        bez $5 $7                ; return from rcall
 ;; reclaim other space
 ;; we know $0=0, $1=1, $2=-17, $3=bottom,
 ;;         $4=t1, $5=call+1, $6=fib(18), $7=0
 ;;     clear out those values
        addi $1 -1
        addi $2 17
        addi $3 -22
        addi $4 -13
        addi $5 -9
 end: finish



Format: ADD rsd, rt

ADD rsd rsd rt 0
01001 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rsd and register rt are added to form a 12-bit result. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- GPR[rsd] + GPR[rt]

Add Immediate

Format: ADDI rsd, immediate

ADDI rsd rsd immediate
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The 9-bit immediate is sign extended and added to the contents of register rsd. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- (immediate_8)^3 || immediate_{8..0}

And Immediate

Format: ANDIX rsd, rs, immediate

ANDIX rd rd immediate
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The 9-bit immediate is sign extended and combined with the contents of register rs in a bit-wise logical AND operation. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rd] <- (GPR[rs] and (immediate_8)^3 || immediate_{8..0}) xor GPR[rd]


Format: ANDX rd, rs, rt

ADD rd rs rt 0
11000 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rs and register rt are combined in a bit-wise logical AND operation. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- (GPR[rs] and GPR[rt]) xor GPR[rd]

Branch On Equal to Zero

Format: BEZ ra, rb

BEZ ra rb 0
10100 0 0000 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The contents of register rb are compared to zero. If the contents of the register equal zero, the program branches to the address specified in register ra by exchanging the contents of ra with the value of the program counter.


 if GPR[rb] = 0^12 then
   PC <- GPR[ra]
   GPR[ra] <- PC

Branch On Less Than Zero

Format: BLTZ ra, rb

BLTZ ra rb 0
10101 0 0000 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: If the contents of register rb have the sign bit set the program branches to the address specified in register ra by exchanging the contents of ra with the value of the program counter.


 if GPR[rb]_11 = 1 then
   PC <- GPR[ra]
   GPR[ra] <- PC


Format: EXCH exch, addr

EXCH exch addr 0
10011 0 0000 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The contents of register exch are placed at the data memory location specified by the contents of register addr'. The contents of the data memory location specified by the contents of register addr are placed in register exch.


 GPR[exch] <- MEM[addr]
 MEM[addr] <- GPR[addr]

Or Immediate-Xor

Format: ORIX rd, rs, immediate

ORIX rd rs immediate
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The 9-bit immediate is sign extended and combined with the contents of register rs in a bit-wise logical OR operation. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rd] <- (GPR[rs] or (immediate_8)^3 || immediate_{8..0}) xor GPR[rd]

Or Xor

Format: ORX rd, rs, rt

ORX rd rs rt 0
11001 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rs and register rt are combined in a bit-wise logical OR operation. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rd] <- (GPR[rs] or GPR[rt]) xor GPR[rd]

Reverse Direction, Branch On Equal to Zero

Format: RBEZ ra, rb

RBEZ ra rb 0
10110 0 0000 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The contents of register rb are compared to zero. If the contents of the register equal zero, the program branches to the address specified in register ra by exchanging the contents of ra with the value of the program counter. The global direction bit is also toggled when this instruction is executed.


 if GPR[rb] = 0^12 then
   PC <- GPR[ra]
   GPR[ra] <- PC
   direction <- !direction

Reverse Direction, Branch On Less Than Zero

Format: RBLTZ ra, rb

RBLTZ ra rb 0
10111 0 0000 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: If the contents of register rb have the sign bit set the program branches to the address specified in register ra by exchanging the contents of ra with the value of the program counter. The global direction bit is also toggled when this instruction is executed.


 if GPR[rb]_11 = 1 then
   PC <- GPR[ra]
   GPR[ra] <- PC
   direction <- !direction

Rotate Left

Format: RL rsd

RL rsd rsd 0 0
00100 000 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rsd are rotated left one bit. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- GPR[rsd]_{10..0} || GPR[rsd]_11

Rotate Right

Format: RR rsd

RR rsd rsd 0 0
00101 000 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rsd are rotated right one bit. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- GPR[rsd]_0 || GPR[rsd]_{11..1}

Shift Left Logical-Xor

Format: SLLX rd, rs

SLLX rd rs 0 0
11100 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rs are shifted left by one bit, inserting zero into the lower order bit. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rd] <- (GPR[rs]_{10..0} || 0) xor GPR[rd]

Shift Right Arithmetic-Xor

Format: SRAX rd, rs

SRAX rd rs 0 0
11110 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rs are shifted right by one bit, sign extending the high order bit. The result is combined in a logical XOR with the contents of register rd and is placed in register rd.

Operation: GPR[rd] <- (GPR[rs]_11 || GPR[rs]_{11..1}) xor GPR[rd]

Exclusive Or

Format: XOR rsd, rs

XOR rsd rsd rs 0
01010 00 0000
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 3 bits 6 bits

Description: The contents of register rsd and register rs' are combined in a bit-wise logical exclusive OR operation. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- GPR[rsd] xor GPR[rs]

Xor Immediate

Format: XORI rsd, immediate

XOR rsd rsd immediate
5 bits 3 bits 3 bits 9 bits

Description: The 9-bit immediate is sign extended and combined with the contents of register rsd in a bit-wise logical XOR operation. The result is placed in register rsd.

Operation: GPR[rsd] <- GPR[rsd] xor (immediate_8)^3 || immediate_{8..0}


  • [1] Pendulum: A Reversible Computer Architecture by Carlin James Vieri - 1995

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