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Designed by Matrus
Appeared in 2024
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation
File extension(s) .olr

Oneliner is a esoteric programming language, where every program is supposed to have only one line. Every program with more than 1 line has a one-line version. Newlines are not ignored.


Oneliner is based on 3 objects: C, c and V. C (stands for Code) is the main object. It can execute code and store variables. c (stands for code) is a predefined Code object. V (stands for Value) is a non-constant value.

Oneliner uses the build technique, where blocks are added one-by-one and then executed at the same time.


Here's how to write programs using Oneliner:

Code Description Pseudo-code
C() Initialize a new Code object Code()
c() Get variable enviroment code.variables
c()["varname"] or c["varname"] Get the value of a variable varname
c()["varname",123] Set the value of a variable varname = 123
c().g("varname") The function version of c()[...] varname
c().s("varname",123) The function version of c()[..., ...] varname = 123
c()() Go back to Code code.variables.code
c[function,(1,2,3),{"a":45}] Add a block code.addBlock(function(1, 2, 3, a=4))
c(1) Execute all blocks and clear the build code.executeBlocks(clear=True) The return value from the latest executed block code.lastReturn
c.glr() The function version of code.getLastReturn()
c.b() Execute all blocks without clearing the build code.executeBlock(clear=False)
c.c() Clear the build code.blocks = []
c.f() Create a function copy of the Code object with fixed blocks code.asFunction()
c.i(C()[boolean,(1,),{}].f(),print,("Test",),{}) Add an if statement to the build code.addBlock( if(boolean(1)) { print("Test") } )
c.ii(...) Run an if statement without adding it to the build if(boolean(1)) { print("Test") }[boolean,(1,),{}].f(),print,exit,(1,),{}) Add an if-else statement to the build code.addBlock( if(boolean(1)) { print(1) } else { exit(1) } )
c.iie(...) Run an if-else statement without adding it to the build if(boolean(1)) { print(1) } else { exit(1) }

The rest will be added soon.


Hello, World!

Here's a simple one:

c[print,("Hello, World!",),{}](1)


 c[                     Add a block to the build
   print,               The function to be called
   ("Hello, World!",),  Positional arguments
   {}                   Keyword arguments
 ]                      Block end
 (1)                    Execute and clear the build





1) Input is saved to i as a number: c()["i",num(input())]
2) Print 1 is added to the build: ()[print,("1",),{}]
3) Continue the loop by executing the build if i is 1: .ie(C()[boolean,(c["i"])].f(),c.b,c.c,(),{})
4) Start the loop with an instant if-else: .iie(C()[boolean,(c["i"])].f(),c.b,c.c,(),{})


This article is about 30 or so percent done. It will be updated later.

Feel free to edit this article.