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Designed by i_eat_coffee
Appeared in 2024
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation [1]
File extension(s) None

Obscure is an esoteric programming language designed to operate as fully functional & Turing-complete language, yet with unconventional coding practices. Obscure was made to have a very simple and short list of functions that developers can use to create complex and large projects.


The Obscure programming language was originally published on the Scratch Forums on the 1st of September, 2024. It quickly became one of the fastest-growing discussion topics on the Advanced Topics forum, gaining over 200 posts in less than 5 days and 6,000 views in its first 2 weeks of release.The language was originally released as a beta version that quickly evolved with feedback from the community. Users have created impressive projects with Obscure, such as a fully working brainf interpreter, pushing the limits of the programming language.

Example Programs

99 Bottles of Beer

 set bottles to 99
   while {bottles} > 0
     out {bottles} bottles of beer on the wall, {bottles} bottles of beer.
     subtract {bottles} 1 as bottles
     out Take one down and pass it around, {bottles} bottles of beer on the wall.
 out No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
 out Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

Working Clock

 date hour as hour
 date minute as minute
 date second as second
 if {hour} < 10
 set hour to 0{hour}
 if {minute} < 10
 set minute to 0{minute}
 if {second} < 10
 set second to 0{second}
 out The time is {hour}:{minute}:{second}