nesting lines on big complicated trees and definitely not inspired by a conlang i made sometime

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nesting lines on big complicated trees and definitely not inspired by a conlang i made sometime ago is a esolang made by Yetyetty1234567890.

nesting lines on big complicated trees and definitely not inspired by a conlang i made sometime ago or NLOBCTADNIBACIMSA is as its name implies, about nesting functions.

Here are some basic functions:

  • not() - not()
  • be() - be()
  • out() - out ascii
  • in() - in ascii

Here are some complex functions:

  • take() - similar to be, but it spawns two copies for every entry in the same order.
  • combine() - combines 2 lists by adding each value (combine(be(2,1),be(3,2)) = be(5,3))
  • trace() - id of the number in list (returns 0 if isn't in list (be(2,3,1,trace(3) = be(2,3,1,2) be(2,trace(1)) = be(2,0))
  • loop() - loop a n amount of times
  • dont() - dont do something
  • disp() - display a pixel at c,x,y (colour,x,y) (to display multiple use multiple c,x,y's (disp(16711680,1,2,65280,3,4)) (displays using hex code (written in decimal)))
  • intr() - sets an interrupt # milliseconds from previous interrupt end and moves to running interrupts' position
  • add() - adds a new entry containing everything below # layers above the add()
  • wait() - pause (milliseconds) all things in the layer of the wait() that are params or reduce to params


  • inf - inf
  • # - a number
  • c - a char


power of 2 calculator with delay of 1s

combine(be(wait(1000), 0, be(dont(wait(1000)), 1)), add(2),add(2) ,dont(combine(intr(1000)),intr(1000)))