Moving donut

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Moving donut is based off Mice in a maze and HQ9+.


The BF commands are the same, every lowercase letter prints itself, O is the donut, A toggles ASCII output mode for BF commands, and # is the wall.

Donut movement

The donut moves right until it hits a wall, than it rotates clockwise and tries again.


Hello World




Truth machine


Moving donut is a very interesting language

This program concocts a meandering plan in its pursuit to state the message “movingdonutisaveryinterestinglanguage”.

#     ######i#
#     #yrevas#
#      i######
#      n#
#      t#
#      e#
#      r#
#      e#
#      s#
#      t#
#      i#
##     n#


  • Common Lisp implementation of the Moving donut programming language.