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It is an extended version of MiniStringFuck. Changed from only 2 operators to 3.We also added 2 bytes.Here are three operators in MSFE++.
+ operator: used to add one to the current byte.
- operator: new operator. Subtracts the current byte by 1 and moves to the next byte. If executed at the last byte, moves to the first byte.
Asterisk (*) operator: Iterates through the contents until the byte is 0.
Three minuses will output the current byte. Four will input the current byte.
Some examples here.
XOR Gate
++- is 1, +- is 0. you can change ++-++- to other things.
Cat program
NOT Gate
About the first character: + is 1, delete the + is 0. Result is in the first byte.
And there is an interpreter.
a = [0,0,0] o = 0 m = 0 def itp(c): global a,o,m r=0 for j,i in enumerate(c): #print(i,a,o) if r==0: if i=='+': a[o] += 1 m = 0 elif i=='-': a[o] -= 1 o += 1 o = o%3 m += 1 if m==3 and (c[j+1]=='-' if j+1<len(c) else 0): a[o]=ord(input()[0]) if m==3: print(chr(a[o])) '''if m==3 and c[j+1]=='-': a[o]=ord(input()[0])''' elif i=='*': m=0 while a[o]!=0: itp(c[j+1:j+1+c[j+1:].index('*')]) if i=='*': r=(r+1)%2 itp('++-++-+-*-++-+-*+--+-+--+-+-*+++-*')#1 XOR 1. Result is in the second byte. #print(a)
I think it is like BrainFuck,but,It isnt an unary...
smile everyday.