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LoopDeLoop is an esoteric programming language centered around looping constructs. Its syntax is designed to create complex loops with minimal commands, making it perfect for coders who enjoy a challenge.
Basic Commands
- `!start` - Begin the program
- `!echo` - Print command
- `!spin` - Start a loop
- `!twirl` - End a loop
- `!end` - End the program
Example Programs
Hello World
!start !echo "Hello, World!" !end
Simple Loop
!start !spin 3 !echo "Looping!" !twirl !end
Nested Loop
!start !spin 2 !echo "Outer Loop" !spin 3 !echo "Inner Loop" !twirl !twirl !end
LoopDeLoop challenges you to master the art of loops and create intricate patterns with code. CodePhantom (talk)