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LoadedFuck is an esoteric language written by User:Is this the Krusty Krab. It is a Brainfuck derivative written in C++ which adds more commands and features multiple storage units. It was named so due to it being loaded with commands you'll probably not use.


As the usual in Brainfuck, there is an array of values that can be modified. However, in LoadedFuck, the array is extended from 30,000 cells to 65,536 cells.

Another two feature of LoadedFuck are a stack, which operates like a normal stack you probably studied in school, college, or your room at night, and a buffer, able store a value to be used later.


Command Description
> Move the memory pointer to the right
< Move the memory pointer to the left
+ Increment the pointed cell
- Decrement the pointed cell
[ Jump past the matching ] if the pointed cell is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the pointed cell is nonzero
. Output the value of pointed cell as a character
, Input a character and store it in the pointed cell
" Output the value of pointed cell as its ASCII code
; Input a character with buffer (pressing enter)
( Push the value of the pointed cell to the stack
) Pop the top value of the stack to the pointed cell
@ Assign the value at the top of the stack to the pointed cell
$ Pop the top value of the stack without writing it to the pointed cell
{ Shift the value of the pointed cell to the left
} Shift the value of the pointed cell to the right
/ Store the value of the pointed cell into the buffer
\ Write the value of the buffer to the pointed cell
= Add the top value of the stack to the pointed cell
_ Subtract the top value of the stack from the pointed cell
* Multiply the top value of the pointed cell by the top value of the stack
: Divide the top value of the pointed cell by the top value of the stack
% Store the remainder left from dividing the value of the pointed cell by the top value of the stack
& Store the value of performing a logical AND with the pointed cell and the top value of the stack
| Stores the value of performing a logical OR with the pointed cell and the top value of the stack
^ Stores the value of performing a logical XOR with the pointed cell and the top value of the stack
Any uppercase letter or any digit Print said letter or digit


Click here for the code on Pastebin, written in C++

See also