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v0.11 This a work in progress. Written by User:Milcho.

Programs in Lenta consist in a two-dimensional grid of instructions, like Befunge, and operate on a tape of cells, like brainfuck. There is also an extra variable, the buffer, that can be accessed at all times.


  • Unary operators apply to the buffer.
  • Binary operators take the current cell and the buffer as operands, and store result in the buffer.
  • Logic operators read 0 and less as false, 1 and greater as true, and return 0 for false, 1 for true.
  • Any character that is not a valid instruction is ignored.
Symbol Operator
PLUS Add buffer and current cell and store result in buffer.
MINUS Subtract buffer from current cell and store result in buffer.
MULT Multiply buffer and current cell and store result in buffer.
DIV Divide current cell by buffer and store integer quotient in buffer.
MOD Divide current cell by buffer and store remainder in buffer.
ZERO Zero the buffer.
LESS Store 1 in buffer if current cell is less than buffer, 0 otherwise.
GREATER Store 1 in buffer if current cell is greater than buffer, 0 otherwise.
EQUAL Store 1 in buffer if current cell is equal to buffer, 0 otherwise.
AND Store 1 in buffer if both current cell and buffer are true, 0 otherwise.
OR Store 1 in buffer if current cell or buffer is true, 0 if both are false.
NOT If buffer is 0 or less, set it to 1; if it is 1 or greater, set it to 0.
Symbol Instruction
START Start program here, moving right.
LEFT Move to previous cell.
RIGHT Move to next cell.
N-LEFT Move n cells to the left, where n is the value in the buffer.
N-RIGHT Move n cells to the right, where n is the value in the buffer.
RULD Reflect flow: right-up, left-down.
LURD Reflect flow: left-up, right-down.
CEL<BUF Overwrite current cell with a copy of the buffer.
BUF<CEL Overwrite buffer with a copy of the current cell.
INDEX Overwrite buffer with the location index of the current cell.
SWAP Swap the buffer and current cell values.
OUT Output the buffer as a character.
OUT Output the buffer as an integer.
IN Read an ASCII character or an integer from input, and store it in the buffer.
SET Overwrite buffer with the ASCII value of the next character in the program (and skip it?).
SKIP If the buffer is 0 or less (false), skip next valid instruction.
HALT Halt execution.

Example programs

Those programs haven't been tested yet.

Hello, World!

$ "H'"e'"l' '"o'" '"W'"o'"r'"l'"d'"!' #


Read in two ints, add their values and print it, and loop until both ints are 0.

$ 0? / .:].:[+,0=:]0=[&!?\#
     \                   /

Fibonacci sequence

Read a number N, and print the first N Fibonacci numbers.

                            /    \
$ ]0: ]0!: [[  .:  0?/  ; ? / \  \ ] ; , ",' ] ; [ ~ + ] : [[ 0! - : \
                     \                                               /

External links