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Jot (pronounced /dʒɑt/) is a Turing tarpit designed by Chris Barker, described as "a better Gödel-numbering" than its "sister language" Iota. It is based on combinatory logic. Every combination of 0's and 1's is a syntactically valid Jot program, including the null program.

Semantics of Jot

[]      ->   I
[F0]    ->   [F]SK
[F1]    ->   λx.λy.[F](xy)  ->  S(K[F])

(Above, [F] converts the Jot program F into lambda calculus/combinatory logic)

Converting combinatory logic to Jot

{K}     ->   11100
{S}     ->   11111000
{AB}    ->   1{A}{B}

(Above, {X} converts the combinatory logic expression X into Jot)

Note that to make the {AB} rule work, this translation satisfies the stronger property [F{A}] = [F](A).

This proves Jot is Turing-complete.

Related languages

  • Iota, Jot's "sister language", described in the same article.
  • Zot, Jot with I/O.
  • Jottary, unary variant of Jot.

External resources