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=? or is it is a esolang based on a tree of equal questions with nodes. and as its creator Yayimhere said to himself one day: this is the f*cking (forgor) of object oriented esolangs. although he thinks has was wrong there


basically you make a tree to print stuff


to create a node there is written:

《name of node》

the origin node(s as there can be multiple of them) is written:

「value of node」

the value of a node can be a integer, float or user input which(in all cases)are written:

to name a origin node you write:

「value of node」《name of node》

to make a node on runtime you write:

this node can have a node it will by attached to by typing


if you want to add a node in a stream together you type:

starting name number(if left empty will be 1 and can't be node)←
→number of nodes(can be set to node. will give error if not set)
|operations of all nodes|

to connect to the last of these nodes you write:


to add a operation to node you can write:

《name of node》|operations|

the operations are:

symbol description
add together the inputted values from nodes(adds the 2 lowest numbers that has not been added yet. if there is only 1 value then add it together with itself)
the reverse of ⁓. the lowest value minus the highest value of the 2 lowest values from nodes
push current operations value onto node stack
pop top of stack
pop top of stack to use as a value
reverse the stack
put in front of any of the above operations to use on the two top elements of the stack
‿…⁀ loop whats inside the rotated brackets until total stack sum is equal to lowest inputted node

to print the stack inside of these operations you write:

to print a spesific node that this node is connected to you write:

《〈⟨what you want to print. can be operations⟩〉》 

and if you want to reference current operations value you type:


to connect nodes you write:

node1 <condition to send to node2> node2

these conditions written here. all of these are equal too conditions:

symbols description
A=? is A(your value you want to test if input is equal too) equal to value getting through last node
A=! A=? but its is not equal too
A=‽ always sends through the value(is is it equal to A or is it not equal to A. if any is true send through
# put in instead of A to use top stack value
⁅…⁆ use node operations on value from node
equal to node before it(gives error if there is no node behind it)
⟖⟕ and or
⦕…⦖ loop whats inside the A brackets until node2 is 0

to connect node 2 to all behind nodes(with the same condition)you write:



to set a node to output you write:

《nodename》⬠output type⬡

these types are:

Caption text
symbol description
𝄡 output as string(unicode)
none if left with no symbol just returns number
🌀 list



「₪」《value1》//node to multiply by
「₪」《value2》//node to multiply


  • =? runs in close to multithreaded. it runs each collumn at the same time(if you made it into a visual tree) but else not
  • =? does not have error messages. it sends what line and place it got and error. then it replaces the thing that made a error with the char aciociated with it unicode char. these below are errors:
char meaning
integer function on non integer
writing nonsense(or unknown char)
writing things where they should not be.


input <1=?> one
input <1=?> output