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Inse is an esoteric programming language where code can be stored in memory as strings and can be run later. Its syntax is similar to BASIC where a command is followed by a space and then the arguments. Inse commands end with a period.

There are no variables in Inse, as values are stored directly in memory addresses.

Control flow is handled by multiplying strings in Inse. If a string is multiplied by 0, then it will return nothing, if by a positive number, the string is repeated that many times, and if by a negative number, the commands in the string are reversed. This makes it possible to have different behavior occur based on the sign of a number.

Here is an example of a 99 bottles of beer program

# address 0 is bottles #
set /99/ &0&.
# main loop of the program #
set [
 out &0&.
 out [ bottles of beer on the wall \n].
 out &0&.
 out [ bottles of beer\n].
 out [take one down, pass it around\n].
 # subtraction #
 sub &0& /1/ &0&.
 out &0&.
 out [ bottles of beer on the wall \n \n].
 # test to see whether we are at 0 #
 # sign function will return 1 if we are not at 0, and 0 if we are (it will also turn negative if beer is negative but it should never be)#
 sgn &0& &1&.
 # multiply ourselves by the signed number, if we are 0, it will delete ourselves, it not nothing will happen #
 mul &10& &1& &10&.
 run &10&.
] &10&. # main loop is at address 10 #
run &10&.

See below for more information on the Language

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