Horribly Translated BASIC/Original Text

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Note that this is only an example. The keywords, syntax, and any other should not be exactly like this.

Horribly Translated BASIC is BASIC but horribly translated by Google Translate, resulting in commands that don't make sense. The concept was made by both User:Gilbert189 and Google Translate.


Here is an IF statement in Horribly Translated BASIC:

Therefore A = 1  ' if A=1 then
 Create a "test" ' print "test"
Self A = 2       ' else if A=2
 Types "AA"      ' print "AA"
Otherwise        ' else
 Enter "why"     ' print "why"
Then stop        ' end if

Here is a FOR statement in Horribly Translated BASIC:

x = 1 to 20            ' for x = 1 to 20
 Send X                ' print X
of                     ' next
A and b respectively   ' for every A in b
 Conversation with Rim ' rem Conversation
here we a              ' next a

Here is a WHILE statement in Horribly Translated BASIC:

When 1 = 1,   ' when 1=1
 Enter "when" ' print "when"
change        ' wend

Here is a DO statement in Horribly Translated BASIC:

Run with 1 = 2 ' do while 1=2
 Enter "me"    ' print "me"
Around         ' loop

Here are some commands in Horribly Translated BASIC:

Types 1 and 0                         ' print 1 and 0
Enter Print ("ABC")                   ' print asc("ABC")
Enter All colors (-10)                ' print abs(-10)
Enter Email (1)                       ' print atan(1)
Enter Coin printing 34 (34)           ' print chr$(34)
Enter Cosine Cosine (0.9)             ' print cos(0.9)
More "pronouns"                       ' data ."pronouns"
Therefore A = 1 occurs                ' if A=1 then end
Enter Type of damage (1).             ' print exp(1)
A requirements                        ' gosub a
At 10 o'clock                         ' goto 10
Type A$                               ' input A$
Enter Left $ (a $, 8)                 ' print left$(a$,8)
Enter line (A $)                      ' print len(A$)
Print program (1)                     ' print log(1)
Print don't (2)                       ' print not(2)
Type 3 = 2 or 3 <2.                   ' print 3 = 2 or 3 < 2
printing IP                           ' print π
Bari 1                                ' return 1
Son A ()                              ' sub A ()
The son is dead                       ' end sub
Enter $ True (A$, 7)                  ' print right$(A$, 7)
Enter the number (rnd (1) * 100).     ' print int(rnd(1)*100)
Send sgn (-11)                        ' print sgn(-11)
Send New (1)                          ' print sin(1)
Print Square (4)                      ' print sqr(4)
Enter str $ (0).                      ' print str$(0)
Enter Friend (1)                      ' print tan(1)
Enter This ("1")                      ' print val("1")

New keywords

If you want to add a keyword, you of course have to translate it horribly. However, don't translate the keyword itself, instead, translate an example code that uses it. For example, if you want to add modules to Horribly Translated BASIC, don't put this into the translator:


Instead, put this:

Public Module thisModule
    Sub Main()
        Dim userName As String = InputBox("What is your name?")
        MsgBox("User name is " & userName)
    End Sub
    ' Insert variable, property, procedure, and event declarations.
End Module

To translate text horribly, you stack up translations, for example, English to German, then to Japanese, then to Dutch, and so on to English again. There is a perfect amount of languages you use to translate horribly.

Too little and the word gets too good:

This module is a public module
        High power ()
            Dim userName As String = InputBox ("What's your name?")
            MsgBox ("username" and username)
        'Includes announcements of changes, assets, processes, and events.
Last treatise 

Too much and you barely get a word:

He's lost
                                                                                                 Blood type (name)
                                                                                                     Login name ("your thoughts")
                                                                                                     SGG (name)
                                                                                                 'Provides information about job responsibilities and job changes
Find your position 

A good horrible translation is the one, while doesn't make sense, resembles the original text put into the translation.