hidden in the picture

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hidden in the picture is a steganographic language.

if you dont know what that means, the languages own name explains itself fairly well.


0 +
1 -
2 <
3 >
4 [ while non0 loop
5 ]
6 {
7 } while 0 loop
8 = skip next command if cell is 0
9 . output
A ,
B $ toggle between output modes ascii|letters(27=space)|numbers
C x add 10
D y subtract 10
E w add 100
F z subtract 50

the commands are executed pixel by pixel using the last character in their hexadecimal values

these are in the order the same way you would read an english text. left-to-right first priority, top-to-bottom last priority.

hello world

i cant figure out how to add this to a picture, but this is how far i got:

step 1:


step 2:
