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Hardfuck is a Brainfuck derivative created by User:Zayne (why am I not surprised) and as the name suggests it is supposed to be harder than Brainfuck.


Command Description
> Move the pointer to the right
< Move the pointer to the left
+ Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. Get an input, output the input and store it at the pointer's cell
, Output the cell before the pointer
[ Jumps to the nearest ] if the value of the cell before the pointer is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the value of the cell after the pointer is nonzero
@ Stores the answer to the cell under the pointer multiplied by 4 in the cell before the pointer
/ Returns to the first cell

Everything else is a comment.


Hello World

 sets the cell to 18
 multiplies 18 by 4 which is equal to 72 and stores it in cell 17
 goes to cell 50
 multiplies 50 by 4 which is equal to 200 and stores it in cell 49
 we go to cell 49
 and then do 99 negatives
 now cell 49 has the e we can go to cell 51
 now 50 is 204
 we go back
 and then
 we have our first l
 I'm being lazy
 second l
 now for the space
 now to do the W
 and the o
 and the r
 now to print it out




The following Common Lisp code realizes a very simple Hardfuck interpreter:

 (defun interpret-hardfuck (code)
   "Interprets the Hardfuck CODE and returns ``NIL."
   (declare (type string code))
   (when (plusp (length code))
     (let ((position  0)
           (character (char code 0)))
       (declare (type fixnum position) (type (or null character) character))
       (flet ((to-next-character ()
                (if (< position (1- (length code)))
                  (setf character (char code (incf position)))
                  (setf character NIL)))
              (to-previous-character ()
                (if (plusp position)
                  (setf character (char code (decf position)))
                  (setf character NIL))))
         (let ((memory  (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
               (pointer 0))
           (declare (type hash-table memory) (type integer pointer))
           (loop do
             (case character
                 (incf pointer)
                 (decf pointer)
                 (incf (gethash pointer memory 0))
                 (decf (gethash pointer memory 0))
                 (format T "~&Please enter a character: ")
                 (let ((input (read-char)))
                   (declare (type character input))
                   (write-char input)
                   (setf (gethash pointer memory) (char-code input)))
                 (write-char (code-char (gethash (1- pointer) memory 0)))
                   ((zerop (gethash (1- pointer) memory 0))
                     (loop with level of-type fixnum = 0 do
                       (case character
                           (error "'[' not followed by ']'."))
                           (incf level))
                             ((zerop level)
                               (decf level)
                   ((zerop (gethash (1+ pointer) memory 0))
                     (loop with level of-type fixnum = 0 do
                       (case character
                           (error "']' not preceded by '['."))
                           (incf level))
                             ((zerop level)
                               (decf level)
                 (setf (gethash (1- pointer) memory 0) (* pointer 4))
                 (setf pointer 0)

GitHub is dedicated to Common Lisp implementations of Hardfuck.