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HZ3funge is an Esolang designed by PSTF. It is designed for even complex Befunge.


Basic syntax

Every layer must saved as a file, just like these:

  • Sample program
    • layer1.h3f
    • layer2.h3f
    • layer3.h3f
    • ……
    • main.exe

All layers must named with "layerN.h3f".

When a program saved, the main.exe is also generated. Run main.exe to execute whole program.

Command Table

Command list
HZfunge Befunge/Trefunge English Mean
+ Plus
- Minus
* Times
/ Divide
% Modulo
! Not
` Bigger
> East
西 < West
v South
^ North
? Chaos
_ Horizontal
| Vertical
" Quote
: Double
\ Swap
$ Destroy
, Write
~ Read
& Listen
. Speak
# Bridge
@ End
p Put
g Get
零一二三四五六七八九(Note that 零 can be 〇.) 0123456789 Zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
a Ten
廿 aa+ Twenty
a3* Thirty
85* Forty
a5* Fifty
c5* Sixty
e5* Seventy
a8* Eighty
a9* Ninety
aa* Hundred
aa*a* 1,000
aa*a*a* 10,000
r Flip
h Heaven
l Earth
m Longitudinal
n Boom
b First
c Second
d Third
e Fourth
f Fifth
82* Sixth
a7+ Seventh
92* Eighth
a9+ Ninth
45* Tenth
; Jump
z Null


Hello, world!

Layer 1

东              北
北    "问天地好在。"  西

(A+B)×C Problem

Layer 1

地   东听乘地  

Layer 2

东听听加天  东说终

Truth Machine

Layer 1


See also
