Games i made up with triangle magnets that i turned into brainfuck encodings

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Twin triangles

Twin triangles is a way to encode brainfuck.

How it works

You stack two stacks of 3 brainfuck commands.


Then, you can preform these actions on it:

TS - topswap

23    32
11 -> 11
11    11

TL - toptwoswapleft

21    31
31 -> 21
11    11

TR - toptwoswapright

12    13
13 -> 12
11    11

RL - reverseleft

21    41
31 -> 31
41    21

RR - reverseright

12    14
13 -> 13
14    12

FO - fold

16    65
25 -> 14
34    23


At the end, they "collapse" like this:

25 -> 123456

34 -> 135642

ascii loop


Colored triangle sort

Colored triangle sort is a way of encoding brainfuck

How it works

SFn swaps first n commands
SLn swaps last n commands
you can have a chain of commands
simple as that

Ascii loop
