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Funicoton is an esoteric programming language with only 3 slots of memory; two for 8-bit integers and one for a function (which can store a set of instructions that get executed on a variable).


$ is used as the function's argument when inside the function.

Funicoton has the following instructions, which in a program are seperated by spaces (c, d and e are arguments) :

Symbol Description
+d,c Adds c to integer variable d.
-d,c Substracts c from the integer variable d.
xd,c Multiplies the integer variable d by c.
=d,c Sets the integer variable d to be equal to c.
==d,c,e If the integer variable d is equal to c, run the function with argument integer variable e.
!=d,c,e If the integer variable d is not equal to c, run the function with argument integer variable e.
*d Jumps to instruction number integer variable d. (jumps locally in the function)
**c Jumps to instruction number c. (jumps locally in the function)
_e Appends the instruction e to the end of the function.
-_ Clears the function.
d^() (Function Only) Sets integer variable d to the value in brackets (can be instructions, like x2,7 or can use the function variable $, like x2,$).
'd Outputs the ASCII character with the code in the integer variable d.
"c Outputs the ASCII character with the code c.
,d Gets an ASCII input and stores it in integer variable d.
;d Gets a number input and stores it in integer variable d.


"Hello, world!" Program

"72 "101 "108 "108 "111 "44 "32 "119 "111 "114 "108 "100 "33