F'juhv iK'tlhUng

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F'juhv iK'tlhUng(or cI'lDong'c nI'I I'kI'cpoeDlS), is a Alien LOLCODE.


F'juhv iK'tlhUng Pseudo
Dpl'va nUng iX [version] BEGIN [version]
Tnun: [exegesis] # exegesis
Tnun:[ multiline exegesis ] ####--- multiline exegesis ---####
cBu' 'u eSeLspoc [lib] import [lib]
Hnung [string] print(string)
cII pirnCi [var] (f'eie Vniong [prompt]) input(__prompt="", *args)
Nuch j'aIyd [name] Vodcd volatile name(void)
Nuch [type] [name] Vodcd volatile name(type)

Note that type can be Num'b, Num'yb, eC'dbG, eC'dbIudgWe, TooFj, j'aIyd, g'Nu, lisT, c'Veung, dIcVuo'Oz, gNum'bec, and so on.

Nuch [type] [name] Vodcd et Icptyt vO pF [value] Eva volatile name(type)=(value)
aSic [name] Fa [value] name=value
iTRung'Ab True
ETRung'Ab False
DnomhFi None
A v'Eing B A==B Return iTRung'Ab if A equal to B.
A nuQ v'Eing B A!=B Return ETRung'Ab if A equal to B.
A Voc'dBa B A>B Return iTRung'Ab if A greater than B.(If A and B are strings, the judgment starts with the first character that is not the same. If the ASCII code of A's different characters is larger than B's, then A is larger than B. Or vice versa. In particular, if A is longer than B, A is larger than B. Or vice versa, too.)
A dIn'dBa B A<B I don't want to write nonsense anymore.
A Voc'Eing B A>=B
A dIn'dBa B A<=B
bif'vE Voc A et B max(a, b)
bif'vE dIn A et B min(a, b)
A fLang B a+b
A thLang B a-b
A gmon'Ref B A*B
A gmon'tUn B A/B
A modulo B A%B
nRhtUing A et B A**B
et &&
Gom ||
gBumng expr Ig duL: if(expr){
Ehci gBumng expr Ig duL: elif(expr){
Ehci duL: else{
fUr expr, bYn tiSc: switch(expr){
gBumng expr bFm rtvalue duL: case rtvalue{
gBumng expr vUnd ocub Val bin Poslcn duL: default{
PcloRi x skLing: for i in range(0, x, 1):
PcloRi sCumb expr Gosin cbFuo ETRung'Ab: while(expr){
V'tuhunong foc [name] %iFk (GodinV dlps arnGpr'If/ GodinV lpd arnGpr'If nVpoi: *args, **kwargs)% func name(*args, **kwargs)
Flri'Gnung x return x
V'tuhunong i'FoeinHos [name] class name{

There are a lot of the command, here is just a part.


Hello, world!

Dpl'va nUng iX
Hnung "dNung uTyei'ung!"


Not on display.
