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Every-machine is an esolang by User:Tommyaweosme where it's basically a try on extending the Truth-machine



0 print 0 and terminate
1 print 1 forever
2 print 22
3 print hello world
4 emulate XKCD random number
5 add together two user inputs
6 take another input, and output "yay" if the input is 6, otherwise output "aw"
7 print fizzbuzz up to 70
8 print "gello world" (credit to truttle1)


9 ask for another user input.
90 print 99 bottles of beer on the wall
91 prints a palindrome code in any language


92 print the source code
93 ask for another input and print 0 and terminate if input doesn't equal source code, print 1 forever otherwise


None yet because of the crazy task.