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Elevator is an esoteric programming language made by User:Mipinggfxgbtftybfhfyhfn to program elevators.



A program in Elevator can control many elevators. To do this its nesesary to specify a elevator block. In the program each elevator has its own name which is used to comunicate elevators. Each elevator has a group of actions it can do. Them main action is executed when the progrem starts. All other actions are called as they were commands.


There are to types of syntax: commands and blocks. They syntax is the following:

  • Command
name params
  • Block
name params
  some code
end name


Name Syntax Use
up up N Go up N floors.
down down N Go down N floors.
floor floor N Go to the Nth floor.
getFloor getFloor The user selects a floor from the elevator keyboard and it goes to that floor.
outFloor outFloor Shows the floor number.


Name Syntax Use
elevator name
  Some code
end elevator
Creates a controller for a elevator.
action name params...
  Some code
end action
Creates a action for a elevator to do. It can only be used in a elevator block.
with elevator
  Some code
end with
Lets control an elevator from other one.
above floor
  Some code
end aboveFloor
Execs it's code if the current elevator is above the specified floor.
below floor
  Some code
end below
Execs it's code if the current elevator is below the specified floor.
in floor
  Some code
end in
Execs it's code if the current elevator is in the specified floor.
until floor
  Some code
end until
Execs it's code until the elevator is in the specified floor.

Special syntaxes

Name Syntax Use
Comment ; Ignores the rest of the line.
Actual floor ! Returns the floor of the elevator of the actual action. That means that if it's value is 42 and you use a with block, it will be still 42.


At the start of the program the interpreter runs each main action in order. Any action can run any other action. If both of them belong to the same elevator, then they can executed as they were any other command. Else a with block is required.

The commands in the actions are executed in order and instantly (unless the elevator needs to change floor, then the program will wait until it has stopped).

If Elevator is being interpreted in an emulator, then there are infinite floors and the floor changes instantly. Also in this case, outFloor prints the floor number and getFloor, instead of reading input from the elevator keyboard, reads a user input as an integer.


Cat and normal elevator

elevator Normal
  action main
  end action
end elevator

Calculator elevator

; There are three elevators: one for the first number and the result, one for the operation and one for the second number

elevator A
  action main
    getFloor ; Get the first number
  end action
end elevator

elevator Op
  action main
    getFloor ; Get the operation
  end action
end elevator

elevator B
  action main
    getFloor ; Get the second number
    ; Check the operation
    with Op
      in 1
        ; add
        with A
          up !
        end with
      end in
      in 2
        ; Substract
        with A
          down !
        end with
      end in
    end with
  end action
end elevator

Cleaner Version

; In this version there is instead a controller, a math, and a storage elevator

elevator Controller

  ; When the program starts:
  action main

    ; Get the first number

    ; Store it into the storage
    with Storage
      store !
    end with

    ; Get the operation

    ; If its one, then get the second number an add it to the storage
    in 1
      with Math
      end with
    end in

    ; If its 2 substract it to the storage
    in 2
      with Math
      end with
    end in

    ; Print the result
    with Storage
    end with
  end action
end elevator

elevator Storage
  action store val
    floor val
  end action
end elevator

elevator Math
  action addToStorage
    with Storage
      up !
    end with
  end action
  action substractToStorage
    with Storage
      down !
    end with
  end action
end elevator

Truth elevator

elevator TruthElevator
  action main
    ; If the input is 0, then the floor is also 0 so the program just outputs the floor
    in 0
    end in
    ; If the input is 1 the floor is 1 so the program just outputs it infinitely
    in 1
      until 2 ; Because the floor never changes, it will never be 2 and the loop wont end
      end until
    end in
  end action
end elevator

Hello Elevator

; This program goes to the floors corresponding to the values of the ascii characters that conform the word "Elevator"

elevator Elevator
  action main
    show 69
    show 108
    show 101
    show 108
    show 118
    show 97
    show 116
    show 111
    show 114
  end action
  ; Action for showing numbers
  action show num
    floor num
  end action
end elevator