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EasyFlakes is a derivative of Branflakes that is easyish.


Command Description
right Moves the cell pointer to the right.
left Moves the cell poiner to the left.
up Increments the memory cell at the pointer.
down Decrements the memory cell at the pointer.
output Outputs the character signified by the cell at the pointer.
input Inputs a character and stores it in the cell at the pointer.
bracket(...) Works like BranFlakes's bracket system, with the commands embraced by the jumelle parentheses.


Hello World

up bracket(down down right down bracket(right right up right down down down down down left left) left down down left down down down) right down output right right right up output right right output output up up up bracket(output right) left left left left output up up up output down down down down down down output left left down output right right right right up output

As you can see, it takes this much even to write a simple hello world.

Cat program

An infinitely repeating cat program which terminates on a null input is presented below:

up bracket(input output)


A truth-machine is implemented below:

input output bracket(down down right up bracket(right right) left bracket(output) left left)


  • Common Lisp implementation of the EasyFlakes programming language.