Disan Count Pesudocode

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Disan Count Pesudocode (or DCP) is a esolang created by User:Ractangle based on this pesudo-code:

n ← input n
a ← 0
  If a is even:
    print a + "is even!"
  a ← a + 1
  If a < n:
    Jump to Start


Command Action Example
A ← B Assigns variable A with value B
B ← 5
A ← B
input A Takes input and stores into a variable
input i
A: Creates label A none
If A: Conditional
If A is 10
  print "Hello, world!"
print A Prints A
print "hello :D"
Jump to A Goto statement none


Hello, world!

print "Hello, world!"

Cat program

input i
print i

Disan Count

input n
a ← 0
 a ← a+1
 If a is even
   print a + "is even"
 If a < n:
   Jump to Start